Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, March 22, 2007

To Delta Employees Everywhere
A Message From the Machinist’s Union


Through your ongoing concerted efforts to become Union, you have won from Delta Air Lines the promise of a limited level of the significant pay-backs your counterparts on other IAM represented airlines are already receiving. That Delta has made promises of profit sharing and stock awards is due in no small part to your Union drive. Because of this, Delta has had no choice but to offer some of what the IAM represented employees have bargained, and are guaranteed through their collective bargaining agreements. Just imagine what you can do when you solidify and do become Union. You will be a force at Delta to be reckoned with.

This development is very satisfying for us at the IAM. You see, when we bargain, we know it is not only for our membership. We are well aware that we set the standard that all airlines must strive for in order to keep their employees satisfied. During this recent ‘restructuring’ of our industry, it was the IAM that led the way in preservation of jobs, securing a guaranteed retirement, retaining sick and vacation benefits, and establishing the gain-sharing model that Delta is now adopting. As is often said, “A rising tide lifts all ships.”

Now you can and must do more. It is well known among Delta employees that they lag far behind in many benefits and pay compared to their fellow IAM represented airline workers. Only through finishing your drive to become Union can you achieve a written guarantee of what you have, what Delta has promised, and bargain what the rest of the IAM airline workers have.

It has been announced that your CEO, Gerald Grinstein is retiring. Delta has made much in the media of Mr. Grinstein’s compensation reward being less than the standard of all the rest of our industry’s elite executives. This has had the effect of endearing Jerry to his employees, and rightly so. However, we all have to admit that it is almost inconceivable that another Jerry Grinstein will take the helm of Delta Air Lines. It can only be someone less tolerant, less sympathetic to employees, and certainly more like the model of the rest of corporate America.

Now is the time to move forward in the Union drive. Now is the time to lock-in Delta’s promises. Now is the time to bargain the improvements the IAM represented employees have.

Now is the time to make Delta your Delta!

Sign your IAM authorization card and send it in. Have a future.