Narcissism is defined by most dictionaries as “undue dwelling on one’s own self or attainments.” We have had ample opportunity lately to view narcissistic conduct from a whole host of politicians. Most of these individuals were well known national figures who had preached about ‘family values’ and the need to be above indecency and ‘sin’ in order to hold and keep public office.
The fact that so many of these powerful men strayed so far and fell so hard in an array of embarrassing actions speaks volumes to all of us who attempt to live decent and honest lives. Narcissism is alive and well in America! People of power don’t seem to think that they have to abide by the same set of values and norms that most people find acceptable. They never seem to learn and allow their influence and power to cloud their own judgment and personal conduct.
Growing up in the Delta family has taught me much; especially how to spot a phony. One of my first memories of Delta ‘family values’ came early and shocked me to the core. Supervisors were told that ‘living in sin’ without the benefit of marriage was unacceptable in the Delta family and those doing so would have to choose between that type of lifestyle and staying in Delta management. No kidding! Some people actually ran out and got married in order to keep their management title.
I was never comfortable with the mixing of personal morals and company business and saw the meddling as counter-productive and overly judgmental.
Most people have business ethics and personal moral guidelines that they live by and that should seldom intersect. Personal lifestyle and public business conduct need to be separate; the most successful business people never violate ethical and business codes of conduct. They never allow relationships to seep in to their work environment and successful companies are very hard on those management individuals who break codes of conduct.
Not Delta! The old adage of ‘do what I say not what I do’ is alive and well throughout Delta’s world. My Northwest friends should brace yourselves for some of the most outlandish and over-the-top conduct you will ever see. I thought I’d seen it all until I witnessed a few years at Delta.
From the very top, through the middle and right down to the beginnings of management you will find the worst kinds of breaches of professional conduct and you will be expected to not notice. Most American corporations wouldn’t stand for the shenanigans that you are all about to be exposed to.
The Delta Family is a dysfunctional family that is in need of counseling and professional help. Many of us have a theory as to why things have gotten so ‘Peyton Place’ at Delta and it has much to do with the fact that there is no counter-balance to intervene; to help expose the powerful who make decisions about employees without the benefit of being challenged.
There is a power vacuum that needs to be filled; individuals in management who have run rough shod over unrepresented employees need to be called out and reigned in. Very rarely do those in management who take advantage of other employees in personal or sexual ways ever get exposed for their inappropriate advances or misconduct.
We will be a more professional airline when we demand professionalism from those in charge; when we vote in the IAM and have a sounding board to bring complaints in front of. Delta narcissists beware! You are being watched and your day is coming.
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