Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Recently the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that corporations had the same free speech rights as individual American citizens and could give unlimited amounts of money to the political candidates of their choosing. This controversial ruling was roundly criticized across the country as the worst ruling in nearly a century.

The ramifications of this are startling to workers in America for many reasons. Never mind that American workers have been losing ground for decades as benefits and wages have been slashed and curtailed. This decision will allow companies to basically decide who gets elected and who doesn’t. They already have tremendous influence as the rules are set up now but this ruling will completely tip the balance.

To those of you who counter that the same benefit is afforded other entities such as unions; you should understand that many companies have almost unlimited capital to utilize in the buying and peddling of influence in the political arena. Unions are not for profit organizations that represent employees when dealing with these very same corporations; they simply don’t have the money to out bid the vastly richer business world.

Think about it! Those politicians who traditionally represent the middle class; who stand up for the rights of workers will be targeted by unlimited funds and chased out of office. Never mind your politics, if you are an average worker toiling in a large American Corporation; companies will use their money to ‘buy’ politicians that will pass laws aiding these very same companies to keep their money.

If you think your pension sucks now, wait a few years. If you feel that your medical premiums are more than you can bear; don’t hold your breath in getting help from the next elected congress. If you are a temporary worker chances are you will always be a temporary worker.

The next time you turn on C-SPAN to watch your favorite congressman or senator rail about a particular subject dear to him or her don’t be surprised if what is coming out of their mouths is complete garbage bought and paid for by someone with deep pockets such as Wal-Mart!

Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida said it best recently on a ‘pundit’ network when he wondered what this ruling might mean. He described the future in very bleak terms. Will Senators now take the floor of the senate wearing logos of the corporations they represent looking much like NASCAR race car drivers?

In the near future as debate rages passionately on the floor of the house will a congresswoman take out her favorite candy bar or beverage and tout its advantages over other products? These folks are already influenced enough and the work the country needs done is mired in stalemate.

We in our Delta Air Lines union campaign need to understand that this year might be our last chance to win our union struggles as corporations wield their mighty monetary power and influence. We must grasp this moment of opportunity to win this union fight before the ‘logo’ people sell us all down the drain (O)!