Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Did Delta Violate It?

“The Railway Labor Act (RLA) states that elections shall be free from interference, influence, or coercion. It is unlawful for a carrier to interfere with the organization of its employees.”

These words were sent to each one of us as voters in the representation election for the ramp. Each one of us also witnessed Delta forget about running an airline and concentrate all of it’s resources on interfering, influencing and coercing us to vote a certain way. Promise of a raise? Darn powerful influence. Threat of charging for passes if the union gets in? Mighty fine coercion. Forcing employees to read anti-union postings on DeltaNet? No surer way to interfere with the employee’s decision making.

The discussion is supposed to be between employees to determine if they want to bargain collectively and have the protections of a legally binding contract or if they want to continue to be at will employees subject to the whims of the employer. The employer is not to play a role in that discussion or decision making.

You be the judge. Did Delta violate that principle of law?

There may be no way to remove the poison from the well. Is there a way to erase Delta’s influence from the minds of the voters? Who knows?

One thing is for sure. We deserve the chance to determine our own futures without interference, influence, or coercion from the carrier – Delta Air Lines. It’s the law.

We demand the IAM take the necessary actions to protest this injustice and try to get us a fair say and a fair vote.