Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Friday, November 30, 2007



We all remember our youth; the time between adulthood and childhood, our middle school or junior high days. Those moments in life when we were too young to comprehend responsibility but just old enough to find all the trouble our parents could cope with or stand. You know what I’m talking about.

Think back to the Friday dances. Those moments of shear terror when the adults and teachers would head all of us pre-adults into the gymnasium for an object lesson in formulating our social skills. As I remember, the boys would line up on one side of the gym and the girls the other, eyeing each other over for the inevitable ‘forced linkage’ at center court.

The music would begin and it was always something old and awful, like ‘Cherish’, and then the slow, inevitable coupling would commence.

As I recall, it was generally some brave soul or stud who would, all by themselves, saunter slowly across the court and powerfully, pick out the stunner. We were all jealous of him (or her). After that the flood gates would open and it was a stampede at center court. No one wanted to be the last one to hook up, but inevitably, someone always was.

You know where I’m going with this. It would take a completely naïve and lost soul not to comprehend what’s about to take place within the Airline industry. The signs are all around us and we have been given plenty of warning. Delta has told us on numerous occasions that consolidation (merger or acquisition) is going to happen and is inevitable.

Some airlines are actively campaigning for such an eventuality. Others, like Delta are being smart and coy. You get the feeling that they’ve already made their decision and are allowing the ‘game plan’ to play out. Delta is in the cat bird seat, flush with cash and power.

The pilots are also preparing for battle and won’t be left behind. They’ve made pronouncements that they will oppose any merger that doesn’t satisfy their interests and protect them. The Chairman of the Master Executive council, Negotiating Committee and Merger Committee said this in the Nov. 21st edition of Aviation Daily: “…there will be no merger agreement without Delta pilots at the table in the beginning, securing a large equity position…”

You see, they have a union and a voice. They have power and protection. When this merger happens, and it will, where do you think the pilots will secure the equity they are after? Chances are that they will be allowed to take it from the same place Delta always takes it from; the unrepresented segments of Delta. US!

We have said this many times but it bears repeating. We have no voice and no position at the table. The promises about seniority protection are hollow and meaningless; they are without legal merit and carry no weight. Our counterparts at other carriers with contracts and union representation are, as we speak, getting healthy from contractual commitments they received after concessions given during their bankruptcies.

United, represented by IAM, is roughly 10% ahead of us already in salary and the gap will be widening because of contractually guaranteed wage increases this coming May as well as the following May. What do we get? Our reward is an occasional visit by a Company Officer who spews ‘promises and commitments’ with no time frame or date certain.

We can do better, we must do better and with our signature on an IAM union authorization card, we will have representation, protection, stability and dignity.

We don’t have to be the only person standing against the bleachers without a dance partner. No one should ever be that person.