Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Friday, March 14, 2008



On the day that Delta stock dipped to roughly the equivalent of the cost of a McDonald’s Happy meal, (without the super size!) more bad news followed. Economists are 70% sure that we are now in a recession. Not just any recession but the worst of recessions; stagflation. Stagflation occurs when the economy slows down while prices continue to rise.

Everyone knows that prices of all goods have increased dramatically over the last few weeks, especially food and gas. This is all tied, of course to the cost of a barrel of oil, topping recently $110. Oil is not priced like most items, it is a commodity that is traded on the open market; the price depends not on what it costs to find and refine it but on what buyers are willing to pay for it. Unfortunately there is great competition for oil throughout the world.

Recently our CEO, Richard Anderson appeared on C-SPAN in front of a room full of Boeing employees. He had much to say and the one point we were in complete agreement with him was his statement about America’s energy program and policy; we don’t have one! Well said, Richard.

Things are obviously going to get worse before they get better and someone has to pay the extreme, excessive costs of increased jet fuel. The passengers will carry some of the burden but as we have pointed out, the recession only allows the airline to squeeze so much out of our customers. The pilots have a contract and have been promised billions in equity and raises in the event of a merger (even without one). They won’t be touched.

Folks, that leaves us once again to shoulder the bulk of the burden to right the ship. Sadly one of the decisions made recently was the removal of all bin loading carpets in the 737-800. This will lighten the load and save on fuel expense and maintenance. Bin 3 is 20 feet long; the better part of a 1st down in football for those of you who think better with a sports metaphor. Try throwing a 50 pound bag that far. Now try throwing 180 fifty pound bags for each flight that far because that’s what your back and shoulders will be doing all day long until you get hurt, which is almost inevitable.

I suppose that this is another example of ‘how much Delta values its employees’. Remember we are their greatest asset. Don’t you just love lip service! With the addition of scanners on each gate and the loss of automation in the loading process, each 737 turn will require at least 2 more agents to get the work done in the same amount of time. How is that going to happen in the midst of a recession (stagflation) without inflating our costs? It won’t!

People are going to get hurt and delays are going to mount. Pressure will be heavy on Delta to do the quick-fix expedient thing and start removing employees through out-sourcing again. It’s inevitable and the only method left for us to slow or stop the process is to unionize and get contractual protection through the IAM. This point should be obvious to all. The push is on; let’s save our jobs while we can, as well as our backs and shoulders. Union now.