Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Friday, February 15, 2008



We are not backing off and will not be dissuaded by your grandiose generosity. Think about this. We, as Delta employees participate in the most impressive transportation network in the world. Thousands of travelers transverse this great planet each and every day and we make it happen.

We are the central component to safely moving America from city to city, from country to country and we have been taken for granted for far too long. The airlines want us to work for nothing, want us to be grateful for the little we have. The game is over and we are about to regain our status and power.

Delta employees are finally waking up to the reality of today’s economics. Transportation is key to American dominance and power. We are one of the central components to prosperity and economic viability. We will no longer be marginalized and shunted to the side.

Victory is near and employees are standing up again for their rights and income. How dare all of you think that such a vital component to our country, economy and growth be relegated to temp work and part-time wages. Your day is done, your time is up and American workers are finished with second-class wages and benefits.

We are taking back our rights and privileges through unionizing and signing a legally binding contract!

Thank you for your offer of accepting no compensation through this merger process. As a token of my respect, you can keep the 20% pay reduction you took from me without asking. I had no representation and no say in the matter. You apparently didn’t mind and it didn’t bother you a tad bit.

We are willing, ready and capable of negotiating with you. I suggest you call. In solidarity, IAM.