These are exciting and scary times if you are an airline worker. After many years of financial difficulty and turmoil, the airline industry is about to take steps to solidify its base and restore balance and stability.
Since Congress deregulated the airlines in 1978 the industry has lost more money than it made since the Wright Brothers’ first flight. In other words, the airlines collectively have made no money if you combine all their balance sheets together since deregulation. In a few short weeks, Delta will most probably take steps that will begin the process of airline consolidation. The rest of the industry is predicted to follow, resulting in a shrunken and simplified industry with the goal of filling the balance sheets with cash.
Delta has always been predominantly non-union, and prior to 9-11 had generously and closely matched the unionized carriers’ pay and benefits. The airlines all suffered after the horrors of 9-11 causing tremendous losses. The resulting bankruptcies caused pay and benefit concessions by almost all airline employees. We were lucky; the unions at the other airlines, led in large part by the IAM, acted as responsible partners with those airlines and participated in helping the carriers cope and recover. These union members at our sister carriers led the way in setting the pattern that Delta followed in designing rewards for their responsible actions during those difficult times. Stock awards, performance pay, profit sharing and raises simply wouldn’t have existed without the unions demanding them in bankruptcy negotiations. We all know Delta employees, except the pilots, had no voice in the bankruptcy proceedings…so we thank the IAM and others for speaking for us.
Another thing we all know is that since Delta airline employees had it good for so long, with Delta simply coming close to matching pay and benefits to the union carriers (without the protection of a contract), Delta was able to take more from us before and during bankruptcy — precisely because we did not have union representation.
Now that Delta has exited bankruptcy and the dust has settled, it is not a coincidence that our pay and some benefits have crept up close to Northwest, and to some extent United Airlines. It is the old pattern of Delta following the unions and trying to keep Delta employees from joining them.
Consolidation in our industry is knocking on the door. That means in the very near future we will be voting on the choice of joining the union movement and the IAM. This will be a monumental decision with repercussions that will reverberate throughout the entire airline world. The pay and benefits that we used to enjoy, and might soon enjoy again, were actually bargained by other airline unions and employees on our behalf. We at Delta have been taking a free ride for decades and have enjoyed the fruit and benefits of others’ labor, sweat and negotiations for far too long. Now, in an ironic twist of events, we will have the choice of leading towards a better future. Our yes vote for the IAM, in a consolidating industry, can set the stage for the strength of all airline employees to be in the union. If we do it, others will follow. We will be able to bargain back the things we had to give up in bankruptcy, and we’ll have the means to ensure our share in the success of a recovering airline industry. It is time for us to realize what’s at stake and shoulder the responsibility of solidifying our own economic future.
If we fail ourselves now, we actually could begin to dismantle the entire pay and benefit structure of all airline employees today, and into the future. Industry standard pay is an interesting phrase coined by Delta management during bankruptcy. It was a promise made to us after all our pay and benefit cuts, that they would bring us to that standard. By our actions we can help or hurt the other airline employees who have upcoming negotiations with their carriers. Beginning a non-union trend could easily snowball out of control causing benefit and pay reductions at all the airlines, including us. The standard would be lowered and thus Delta’s promise fulfilled; ensuring our stay in the ‘poor house’.
We can change the equation — we can change the meaning of ‘Industry Standard Pay’ with just one vote — a vote for the IAM. The pay and benefits we have now could be the foundation of something that will grow in the future, if we vote to become union and join the IAM. On the other hand, if we turn our backs on this union vote, what we have today will likely be the ceiling, will be the best we will have, for years to come with little or no raises or enhancements and no voice to change the future.
It is up to Delta employees to act bravely and responsibly, to seize the moment and lead without fear or trepidation. This is a tremendous opportunity to gain control of our future and lead our industry and our fellow airline employees to stability and prosperity.
The IAM offers professionalism, protection, negotiating skills and years of accumulated experience in working to ensure its members a living wage and benefits that enhance life. Let’s begin the journey towards security and dignity by choosing IAM. Let us take the lead in taking back our industry!
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