Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Monday, January 07, 2008



The holidays are behind us and a New Year has arrived full of worry and a slowing domestic economy. Our Company has taken steps to guard against the softness in the domestic outlook by reducing Delta mainline flights and expanding International growth. A good idea on its face, but how will it impact us as U.S. workers—will jobs be cut in the future?

Fuel prices are soaring, topping $100 dollars a barrel recently. Having the dual whammy of fuel cost inflation and economic recession will test this new management team to the fullest. Time will tell whether or not they are up to the task and what impact these challenging economic forces will have on the ‘commitments, policies and promises’ that have been made to us as the un-represented, at-will employees of Delta.

We shouldn’t worry though. You see, we have the Delta Board Council speaking on our behalf. We were astounded and simultaneously amused at the DBC’s Holiday message to employees. In the message the DBC stated that: “Throughout 2007, and since its inception, the Delta Board Council (DBC), has been and will continue to be the voice at the table on behalf of employees… in the boardroom, along with ALPA, to voice the views and concerns of employees and work on your behalf.”

What a bold statement; equating themselves with an established, long serving representative union body as well respected and successful as ALPA. In the Holiday message the DBC goes on and lists their 2007 accomplishments and achievements including the modest increase in sick time and the “pay increases”, as well as emergence awards.

Let’s say (for arguments sake) that the DBC’s mere existence accomplished all these ‘awards’ for us in 2007. Since they are taking credit for the successes of the past and they lay claim to being our representatives, shouldn’t they also take responsibility for the not so nice events of the past? Where were they when we took a 20% pay cut? What did they have to say when we lost our HMO status, or had our pensions terminated or frozen depending on our seniority? Why didn’t they speak up when our 401K ESOP money was completely liquidated? Why didn’t they step in and represent employees who were unfairly ‘eternally suspended’ or terminated?

Taking credit for modest gains is easy and sophomoric, taking responsibility for mistakes and injustices involves a sophistication and quality that will never be manifested within the ranks of the DBC. They don’t have the mandate or the authority to represent anyone. They exist at the pleasure and whim of those who spawned them and will disappear almost as quickly as they appeared; whimpering as they are shown the door. They have no real relevancy or power, they do more harm than good and only fool the weak minded and easily manipulated.

Those of you who are waiting for justice and fairness, who are waiting for equitable benefits and industry standard pay only have yourselves to blame for the inequality of your financial distress. No one is going to hand you anything. We all have to stand up together and work as one to get back what is fair and just. Ultimately the union can only do what we allow them to do by enough of us signing authorization cards. The Company is not willing to do anything without the power of a legally binding document; a contract.

The DBC is an appointed representative. Wouldn’t you rather choose who your representative should be? Wouldn’t you rather have a voice in the process? One person, one vote – it’s not just the Union way, it’s the American way!

There is a wave of populism sweeping the Country. A wakening awareness of the plight of the middle class is re-emerging. Its origins are not left, right or center but universal. We need to ride that wave and re-assert ourselves into the battle; the fight for equitable pay and benefits will not be won by the timid or the afraid, but by the bold and strong.

Standing up for ourselves is American and universal. It is time for action; it is time for the IAM.