Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Friday, June 27, 2008



Delta and Northwest’s two CEO’s have proudly proclaimed that our “merger is moving toward a successful completion this year, once approved by the U.S. Department of Justice.” As a matter of fact, Richard and Doug have stated that “a group of 25 divisional and departmental merger integration teams made up of more than 300 leaders from each airline has been hard at work for weeks.”

Here’s our question. Where are they? Has anyone met any of these people or are they primarily only available to Justice Department officials and major investors or movers and shakers? Why no interaction with frontline employees who would actually make the integration and merger process successful? This course of action shows upper management really does think we are insignificant.

Fortunately many of us are not waiting to formulate or initiate “synergies” (Delta’s favorite word) with our counter-parts at Northwest. Recently a group of Delta ramp workers was invited to join Northwest workers in Minneapolis to experience the annual IAM picnic. Literally hundreds of Northwest ramp workers were able to ask direct questions and answer inquiries about benefits, pay, work rules and disciplinary practices. The process was informative and extremely beneficial to both entities.

Quite frankly we Delta employees were impressed with our counter-parts at Northwest and look forward to creating the largest airline in the world with the most powerful and dedicated collective bargaining unit in the airline industry. Guess what Delta…we are not insignificant!

We saw no weaknesses in Northwest workers’ determination to move back in the direction of top pay and they look forward to being able to improve our sick time, medical and OJI processes more in line with the quality benefits that IAM has helped Northwest employees enjoy.

Mr. Anderson was recently quoted as saying that “even today, when you compare our wages and benefits with Northwest, they’re higher.” Mr. Anderson obviously is either misinformed or misleading the people he is communicating with. Yes, Delta employees make approximately 15 cents more an hour than our Northwest colleagues (a difference that evaporates when health-care contributions are considered) but all other aspects of our benefit package pales in comparison to Northwest’s benefits.

We deserve the truth in this process and see no reason to have our leaders continue to misrepresent the facts to our two work groups, investment community and governmental officials. We deserve equitable treatment, clarity and transparency during this merger process and warn our friends at Northwest to not fall for the rhetoric or empty promises that will surely be coming their way as this merger dynamic hastens.

Speaking of fairness and equitable treatment; recently in SLC a random drug and alcohol test was administered to a supervisor on the p.m. shift. He was found to be drunk on the job and protocol required that he be removed from the property and his management team notified, both in SLC and ATL. What is disturbing, however, is that after some time away from work, he is now back as a supervisor. What is unfair is if it was one of us, the likelihood of keeping our job would be minimal or nonexistent.

We all believe in second chances and redemption but this goes beyond the pale of common sense and managerial protocol. How many workers have made similar mistakes only to be terminated by Delta? We can think of many.

Stepping the supervisor down would have been a preferable solution. We wonder now how many disciplinary actions taken by this supervisor are tainted due to his past problems and misconduct and call upon Delta to review all employees that have been terminated or harshly treated during his watch. We wonder about the managerial decision making processes that arrived at such an arrogant conclusion in keeping him in management and ask for a review of job status for all those involved in making this determination. We ask that any one of us receive the same commitment to retaining our employment under the same circumstance.

If ever there was a more glaring example and reason to have an advocate such as the IAM standing with us and by our side we cannot think of it. Union now!