Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



Many of you might be interested in hearing that a number of employees with expensive medical procedures are heading to foreign countries for medical service because even with United Healthcare coverage, the costs are more than simply paying full price elsewhere for the same quality service. How sad and pathetic is it that Delta thinks so little of it’s employees that they made the unilateral choice of United Healthcare insurance that can’t compete on a global level.

There’s a new baggage campaign under way. Now, we all appreciate and understand the importance of connecting our passengers’ bags with their flights; however it is awfully rude and condescending to place stickers on our belt loaders reminding us that ‘reading is fundamental.’ “Touch the bag; read the tag,” is the slogan chosen by our management team. How about this — why not offer a living wage and decent benefits to our new hires then maybe Delta will begin to attract individuals who can read in the first place!

Have you seen the latest statistics from an annual survey conducted by the University of Michigan concerning customer satisfaction with airlines? It seems that traveler’s dissatisfaction with Delta and other carriers has reached new lows. People have not been this mad at airlines since 2001.

Here’s the interesting statistic: The airline that has lead customer satisfaction for the past 15 years also has the highest paid employees in the business…Southwest. They are also nearly 100% unionized. Happy employees lead to happy customers. It’s a no brainer.

A few weeks ago we told you about Sedgwick CMS, an outhouse company that handles sick time payments for Delta Air Lines. Recently a Delta employee was denied FMLA coverage because his busy doctor wasn’t quick enough at returning medical documentation. The employee was warned that he could be terminated for spending FMLA time with his terminally ill wife without first getting permission from Sedgwick. The warning letter they sent him was terse, heartless and void of empathy and understanding. Somehow, we are not surprised. Is this the ‘NEW DELTA’?

Most employees need to realize that this outhouse company used by Delta is simply following very specific instructions from Delta. We are sure that bonuses and payouts are tied to the amount of denials successfully transacted.

3,000 employees have reportedly applied for the early-out programs. We worry about the impact of losing so many qualified, sage mentors in such a sudden, short period. Other carriers have regretted similar moves in the past and have suffered heavy operational damage because of the brain-drain and loss of invaluable experience.

This is what we are up against at Delta. We are dealing with a management team that thinks the job we do is easy and quickly learned; that we are replaceable and have little value to the future of Delta. They will do anything to replace those of us with experience for the next high school graduating class. Our only protection is to organize, unionize and grow strong and have a voice. Sign those A-cards today and let’s beat back those who are unwisely diminishing our worth and value.