Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Delta management has made yet another announcement about pay. This time it is a 3% raise on July 1st. This should come as a surprise to no one. Every time we have been involved in any Union drive, Delta has sweetened the pot to convince employees that they don’t need a Union.

What’s different this time?

WE HAVE LEARNED OUR LESSON! Past pay raises simply disappeared after the organizing campaign was over. Promises of ‘No more station closures’ proved to be lies. Upper management lined their pockets and many of our coworkers lined up for unemployment or food stamps.

What else is different this time?

Delta Air Lines will remake itself with the first mega-merger in the USA. The dynamics of our workforce will change dramatically – as will our company leadership. Delta will become desperate to keep its employees from having a fair voice in shaping our new airline and our future.

Think Delta is anti-union? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

This pay raise is only the first of many ‘pot sweeteners’ yet to come. Delta will continue to add bribes to our pay and benefits right up to the time we get to vote on becoming Union. We’ll take them all!

Delta’s goal? To get us to think ‘Why be Union, we get all of this pay and benefits without one.’

Our goal? To take every one of those ‘enhancements’ and guarantee them in a contract.

We will not be fooled again. We will have a voice in our future. We will protect our jobs. We will take this and any pay increase Delta wants to offer – and we’ll improve on it.

You see…it has already paid to be Union. Even though we haven’t had the chance to vote yet, the fruits of our collective efforts have forced Delta to move in our direction. It is only a start.

Be Ready. Don’t be fooled. Take it all, then let’s put it in a contract and guarantee it!

Sign that IAM card today!