Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Sunday, April 20, 2008



Trying to decide whether to stay or to go...Will combining two airlines result in furlough?

Everyone's comparing, those having and have not...When it comes down to signing, will you give it a shot?

Step up, so please tell us, help us unravel to unfold...The uncertainty of employees, and what the future may hold...

So far on the horizon where once it was bright...We could see it right there, in plain black and white...

We once understood what hard work-it would bring...But the longer we hang on, it won't mean a thing...

Feelings run high, obscure though the plans...Many just feel they're a back with two hands...

Execs have figured out, if you stay on you're mule...With wages all frozen because of the fuel...

If you leave- even better, you're officially off the books...And Atlanta's offices are still full of crooks...

So good luck to us all, in way or the other...If we could only move back with our father and mother...

Many will view this with complete disregard...Better to enjoy it, and sign a card... Vote union.