The long awaited announcement of the merger between Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines was made shortly after 8:00 p.m., EST. News outlets all over the world are reporting details and information is flowing in from everywhere.
Delta executives are promising equity stake of 4% for all “U.S.-based nonpilot employees of both companies” upon closing. Delta also stated that, “today we are announcing a transaction that is about addition, not subtraction, and combines end-to-end networks that open a world of opportunities for our customers and employees."
We interpret that statement to mean that no layoffs will be forthcoming. If that is truly the case, then why the rush to reduce our ranks by 2000 employees through voluntary programs that reward the senior employees most for leaving?
Could it be that Delta is most interested in removing employees more prone to voting union in the upcoming elections that are about to happen?
We have been instructed that our July 1 pay ‘reimbursements’ are no longer coming. Why? Is it because someone has to help pay for the pilots’ promised enormous equity and pay increases?
Isn’t taking money out of one pocket while putting equity in the other pocket a simple form of the old shell game? Now you see it, now you don’t.
Let’s make this merger meaningful and long lasting by solidifying our permanent position at the decision making table of progress. Let’s finish getting enough cards signed and join the pilots and flight attendants in being part of our own success and future planning.
No raise plus equity equals ZERO gain! The people dealing with us are experts at denial and deception. Why not bring on our own experts to help counter the confusion.
Mergers don’t happen over night. There is plenty of time to prepare and much that has to be done. There is no need for panic or rash decision making. Continuing to organize is our best option and will eventually bear the fruit of our hard labor.
This whole process boils down to one important component; SURVIVAL. At the end of the day those who will decide our future are those with a voice and a seat at the table. If we want to be part of this great enterprise, union representation through the IAM is the only avenue that truly helps solidify our continued employment and existence at Delta. It really is the only way forward.
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