Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Saturday, March 22, 2008



It is fascinating to hear the loyalists say every day how much they love Delta and how good Delta has been to them. They blindly say, give Delta a chance; they will come through just like they always have. Most of these people who espouse this rhetoric haven’t been at our airline for very long. They’ve heard the stories from their parents or relatives who used to work here how wonderful Delta is and they buy into the old stories about family and the aura of the widget.

Let’s talk about the Delta of today; let’s reveal the truths about our leadership. They are new. They come from other companies, mainly other airlines; mainly Northwest to be exact.

They have no memory or concept of your life with Delta and the Family that you so cherish. They laugh about your loyalties to the widget and have no comprehension about your sacrifices. As a matter of fact, they only want money for themselves and their rich investor friends.

We have told you about these people in the past. Stephen Gorman replaced Joe Kolshak a few months ago. What was his reward? 100,000 shares of Delta stock just to come on board. Where was he from? Actually, many companies like Greyhound and Krispy Kreme. Before all that, he used to work with Mr. Anderson at Northwest.

Quite recently, a man named Gil West came to Delta to replace long serving Rich Cordell. Mr. West has a colorful background. He worked at: Q investments, Intermet, Timco AV, Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, Laidlaw, B.F. Goodrich, Hamilton-Sundstrand and Boeing. He might have sold punch when he was a boy scout but we’re not sure yet so don’t quote us.

Do you know what we think? These men can’t keep a job! Apparently Delta is just simply Mr. West’s latest conquest. We are making last century wages, and Richard Anderson can find money to throw at transient executives who probably will not stay long with us. When are we going to value ourselves as much as the traveling, interchangeable execs and carve out some equity by voting in a union?

Why are we so gullible and why are we ramp employees so willing to be manipulated and stripped of our dignity? We don’t know, but we are ready to challenge these leaders and demand to know why they deserve so much compensation while we atrophy into monetary decline.

Mr. West, Mr. Gorman; we know people who could have assumed your jobs and the responsibilities that go with them without depleting our resources and demanding so much equity. The truth is that you aren’t here to grow an airline or enrich an American travel culture. You stopped by at Delta on your way to the bank just to fatten your portfolio.

To our southern friends and Delta loyalists, we say this; how long are you going to fall for this smooth talk and flimflam? The only thing left at this airline that is truly Delta is the paint scheme on the side of the planes and even that has morphed into an artistic rendition of the once proud widget. It’s time to stand up and take back our airline. We believe it is time to unionize before the carpet baggers strip even the paint off the sides of the planes.

Atlanta! It’s time to stand tall and face down those who would cajole and smooth talk us out of remedying our financial situation. Let’s begin again to take care of our customers by taking care of ourselves first; we deserve fair compensation and long serving leadership. Not revolving door leaders who are here only to enrich themselves.