Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Tuesday, March 18, 2008



As morning broke, all Delta employees were anxiously awaiting the announcement of what the ‘comprehensive’ plan would be in reacting to the realities of the troubled economic situation. Apprehension gave way to the stark reality of our situation with the meager offer intended to prod many to leave the company they have shed blood, sweat and tears to build.

The troubling aspect of the plan is that all the ‘good news’ is over, if you can call any of what was proffered today good. The ‘other shoe’ will drop soon enough, and the situation will become more difficult and unpalatable as we go forward from here.

By now, most employees have carefully looked over the specifics of the Plan and have seen the details. Did all of us notice that Delta will be deferring any decision on 2008 pay increases until we better understand the outlook for our business? How interesting. Just a few days ago, our CEO Richard Anderson, said that we would be assessing (and scrubbing) what our pay increase would be towards the end of the quarter. (March 31st)

Talk about changing horses in mid-stream! Having a predominately non-union company allows management to break promises and commitments. Our counterparts at United, Northwest and USAir have guaranteed raises coming on specific dates because of their contracts that were negotiated by IAM. We, on the other hand, have the false goodwill of an unfulfilled promise to keep us sustained during what looks to be the worst recession in 25 years.

After all, Delta says they are “committed to moving toward industry standard pay over time; however, it is important that we proceed cautiously in the current economic and fuel climate.” Anyone know what that means?

How long are we going to believe the crap that comes out of these peoples’ mouths? There can’t possibly be an unending supply of completely naïve employees willing to swallow this dribble. We call upon all employees to stand together and rise up in unison to mouth our displeasure in what is happening. Yes, we understand recessions and fuel price increases; we acknowledge that layoffs are a fact of American business climate, and we can adjust to these realities. What we don’t appreciate or should no longer tolerate is endless lies and half-truths told to us about pay and compensation.

Union carriers have given concessions just like we did. But now, even in the bad times, they are being rewarded for their sacrifices. We, on the other hand have to continually pay for our company’s mistakes and miscalculations, as well as the inevitable economic downturns.

It is now plain to see the value of a union and experienced negotiators standing in our corner for us!

The cash offer to leave is modest at best and a huge mistake for anyone without another job or who is not nearing retirement anyway. We recommend strongly that all employees be very careful about taking such an offer. If we were union, this would be merely the beginning phase of a detailed negotiation, not the only offer and not the end of the road.

Delta, as they reiterated today, has not abandoned industry consolidation. Be assured talks will continue and more moves are coming. More bad news could easily be on the way for junior employees. This is exactly the time for all employees, young and old to rethink the value of union membership and contractual protection.

The Delta Family died today. RIP — now it’s time to join a new Family…the IAM welcomes all to share in the safety net of real industry standard pay, benefits that enhance and sustain life and job protection from over zealous management. That’s the kind of family that doesn’t abandon you when times get tough; the kind of family you can count on!