Guess what! Richard Anderson is done ‘scrubbing the numbers’ on industry standard pay. He is now busy ‘erasing the numbers’ and reversing everyone’s memory. Minneapolis Public Radio is reporting that a “Delta spokesman” has denied that Delta ever proffered any information about July 1 pay increases. Guess all of us were having a mass delusion!
Do you know why most Delta employees don’t like staying to the end of their shifts; it’s simple... We’re not paid enough to be on property that long!
Have you any idea why Delta is removing the automated bin loading devices in the 737’s and 757’s? Well, the real truth is that the mechanics don’t like repairing ‘non-essential’ devices on airplanes. It interrupts their break times and causes them undo discomfort during their work days. Don’t worry though, they don’t have time clocks and can leave when they’ve had enough.
Guess why you hardly ever see a supervisor out in the operation during a push? Apparently, Delta wants their supervisors occupied with more important tasks such as writing ‘observational reports’ about near accidents or incidents of misconduct. Our question is; how would they know about these incidences when they hardly ever have time to go outside?
Scanners are a lot like cell phones and driving. What do we mean by that? It’s simple. Scanning bar codes and looking at destinations are two incongruent tasks much like talking on a cell phone and simultaneously driving. The mind can’t process both tasks well or efficiently. Haven’t you ever passed a talkative driver who was all over the road? We are now scanning bags into the wrong planes because no one is concentrating on the tag destinations. How dumb of us!
Human Resources at most companies are an essential component of good employee/employer relations. The trouble is that the ratio of resource agents to the greater mass of workers is untenable. At most companies the ratio is 1 to 100. At Delta the ratio is approaching 1 Human Resources agent to 2000 employees. Even if they had good answers to your concerns, how could they possibly cover every problem or question?
Did you know that regional jets which were presented to the general flying public as the answer to all aviation woes are not as fuel efficient as advertised? With fuel climbing exponentially in price every day, many of these inefficient jets are being parked and their services no longer desired. How about increasing frequencies of early morning short hall departures as well as late night departures with our fuel efficient, larger capacity haulers like the 737’s?
Do you know why Delta offered early out programs that were paid by payroll twice a month until completion and then suddenly rescinded the program to give all lump sum payments?
They weren't doing us a favor. Had they not changed the program, everyone would have accrued vacation, sick time and medical coverage while on the payroll. They are so willing and desperate to get rid of us that they can't even present a well thought out strategy!
The IAM is here, knowledgeable and ready to help with concerns, questions or company disagreements; why not sign up and get the help we all deserve and desire. Sign those A-cards today!
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