Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, March 27, 2008



Early in 2000, when visiting the local branch of the United States Department of Labor, a Delta employee with concerns about how Delta was treating his FMLA was told that the most complained about company in America by their employees was the United States Postal Service. The second most complained about by their own employees? You guessed it, Delta! Think its any better today?

We all know that we have only had 5 sick days (PPT) over the last year. Once your time is used up, even though many employees have banked certified sick time, absences are not paid. But have you heard that exceptions are made for certain employees (like managers) and for certain illnesses like cancer? No kidding! Some employees are actually having their afflictions covered while most everyone else goes unpaid.

Many employees with medical emergencies who have had to call the ambulance (or had their doctor call when checking on a sick family member) have been shocked to learn that 911 calls are “not in your network” and the emergency ambulance ride bills go unpaid. Really! One could say: ‘911 not included.’

Did you know that the instructions for the new whistle blowing safety program are actually 7 pages long, just about as long as the new instructions on how to clock in and clock out for a shift? It makes one wonder whether or not the writer of the instructions thinks that employees are morons. Who’s the bigger moron; those who need 7 pages of instruction or the one who writes 7 pages of instruction! (Blow on this end of the whistle?)

Speaking of time clocks, apparently the program is going to be delayed a few months because of unforeseen glitches and problems. The explanation for the program and probably the delay in implementation is to help “uphold the trust that employees place in Delta. Our employees trust Delta to deliver pay in a timely and accurate manner.” So why is it that ACS is the only department in need of this trust? (time clocks) Answer: Delta wants you miserable, unhappy and gone. Sounds more like anti-trust.

Have you heard that when an employee suffers an OJI, Delta is applying your sick time to the first week of absence? This may be completely illegal. In most states, after an OJI goes beyond 1 or 2 weeks (total, not consecutive), the unpaid segment to the employee is reimbursed by the Workers Comp. Most employees who don’t know this rule are allowing Delta to rip off their sick time…even vacation, holidays, and more. Just trust them – it’s probably and honest clerical error…being repeated over and over.

Have any of you had to appeal a decision by Delta (United Healthcare) concerning an unpaid medical bill? Delta is self insured, so when you challenge an unfair billing practice and get turned down, your next level of appeal actually goes to the same people who denied your first level. Hmmm, think there’s a problem with that? They probably just change rooms to make it more official.

Speaking of medical insurance, all health care insurers know the dirty little secret about human nature. The vast majority of all people quietly accept denial. Some call about an insurance claim denial and ask one or two questions then accept their fate. Finally and sadly, the last few will fight tooth and nail to right the wrong all the way to the very end. These tough people will cage fight the deniers into submission. Please, everyone be more like the last group; don’t take their abuses anymore!

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