Everyone understands the fragile nature of life and the inevitable progression of personal demise. We are all headed for death; it’s just a matter of time before the grim reaper swings his blade and drops us.
But before we go we should contemplate making a contribution to this crusty old earth we call home. You know, I talk daily with men who still think that they wear size 34 pants; they do, they just have to synch them up down around their ankles because their large belly won’t let them raise them any higher. They’re growing more hair in places we don’t want to mention than on the top of their heads and they are in complete denial about being attractive to the opposite sex.
I’m in the same boat, when women pass me by they look away in discomfort instead of appeal. When I was younger that never happened. I now imagine that they were just awe struck and continue with my own personal delusion.
Where am I going with this? We need to have a frank conversation with our younger employees. You remember when you were young and had no worries in the world. Who cared about health care or pensions; no one thought about living that long. Our youthful workers are being played by this management team and are buying every bit of the spin that the grand masters are weaving. We have to step in and provide them some bit of sage old wisdom before we allow these people to undo years of union progression.
What we need are people to become active and start to make a difference in the lives of our new hires. They don’t seem willing to initiate their own personal victories (there are exceptions). Let’s help them see the value in organizing and the dangers of left exposed to this management team without a contract.
I, for one, have had numerous conversations with our younger personnel and I think that we are making head way. What we need are more people to step forward and become active in educating our youth about the sacrifices and victories that unions have provided working women and men. I ask all of you to approach our newbies and begin a dialogue concerning the importance of representation.
Remember this; it wasn’t that long ago when people made no overtime no matter how long they worked. When companies made 12 year olds work 16 hour days and no one had medical insurance. Unions provided the shield of protection for workers and families that still exists today but is slowly eroding because of the apathy of our younger workers.
Let’s rise up again and help radicalize our youth by reminding them who won the battles of the past. We should help them understand that 8 hour days and FMLA, sick time, OJI laws are all products of union hard work.
We have to win this battle. Today, I encourage all lifers to find and convince a younger worker of the value of unions.
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