Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Sunday, April 27, 2008



How many of you who have been ill or injured off the job have had to deal with a company called Sedgwick CMS? They sound pleasant enough when you talk to them but here’s a little advice. Don’t tell them anything that you don’t have to. They’re playing a very sophisticated game with you that involves eliciting information to help them deny your illness or short-term disability claims.

Do you want to bet that the more claims they deny the more their contract with Delta pays out to them? It’s just a guess, but an educated one based on dealing with these vermin. Here’s the part that causes one to lose perspective and sanity. These chumps can overrule your own Doctor and make recommendations about whether or not they think your illness or injury deserves to be funded through your certified sick time (if you still have any!) or your short-term disability.

Never mind that you pay insurance premiums each pay check for the privilege of being turned down by these thieves; they don’t care. The more they screw with you, apparently the more they make in bonuses or payouts from Delta at the end of the month.

Imagine telling someone they don’t qualify for pay reimbursement because their doctor’s appointment wasn’t fast enough after the beginning of the illness; a one week wait is apparently too much for Sedgwick to put up with.

We don’t know what parallel universe these peanut-brained glorified bean-counters live in but don’t they know, in today’s real world how long it can take to even see a doctor, let alone a specialist?

Don’t despair though; there are remedies to being treated this way when you are ill. Each state has a United States Department of Labor office available to take your complaints should you have a problem with receiving your rightful payouts. Always follow through with Delta’s appeals process even though everyone knows it is fixed and almost useless. At least you will have satisfied the letter of the law before you take your complaint higher and mightier.

The same people, who deny you in the beginning, as we have told you in the past, will most probably be the very same committee that your appeal goes to. As we have stated before, Delta is self-insured and all funds and payouts flow through them.

To our Northwest brothers and sisters; the biggest mistake of your lives will be to turn your backs on your union contract. This story about Sedgwick repeats itself over and over in practically every department at Delta. OJI, FMLA, sick time, etc.

Voting in a union will give us a real appeals process; one with teeth and remedies. Not some predetermined outcome known before the process even plays out.