We celebrate today the beginning of our nation; the birth of freedom for a new country delivered from bondage and unfair taxation through years of spilled blood and struggle. An idea really that over time became the beacon of freedom and fairness; a bastion of equality and equal rights that the rest of the world admired and envied; copied and in some quarters, despised.
We take pride and give thanks this day for what we as a nation have sacrificed in struggles and lives lost in subsequent wars and battles throughout our history to keep our freedom and independence; to preserve our democracy and our constitution.
This is a day to celebrate and to rejoice in our love of Country and show our pride and patriotism. A great Day for all Americans, wherever we come from or however long we have been here. A country that has been and should always be a welcoming beacon for all those who love freedom and these great ideals. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.." has meaning to all Americans and to most of the world who admire our past decency, democracy and sense of fairness and equal justice.
Showing patriotism takes on many forms and has multiple meanings to a variety of Americans. Some of us show our love of Country by obvious methods such as wearing lapel pins displaying flags, emblems or other patriotic symbols in our yards or having bumper stickers with slogans emblazoned across our cars or rear windows; all well and good acts of showing love and patriotic zeal.
There are other ways to stand up for America and her values; to enrich the lives of our fellow citizens both new and old as well as strengthening our democracy and the heart and soul of our country. Those that toil for others whether it be in doing voluntary work for the poor and needy or serving in the military in dangerous places around the world honor us and make us all proud. We give thanks for all those that have volunteered to give of themselves and their time both in obvious ways and the more obscure ways.
This country is about so much but we are nothing without each other and the strength we derive from within. This land has been strong for so long because of the power and decency of its people and the solid, giving nature of the American Family.
Anything that strengthens family ultimately enriches and enhances our future and our constitution. We cannot prosper and stand strong without families that continue to produce our future leaders and citizens; diplomats and warriors, we need them both.
A strong and vibrant middle class has always defined our power and our compassion; our ability to provide the world with stability and leadership. Strong families produce good citizens and a base for continuing our prosperity and world leadership.
We who have decided to unionize Delta are cognizant of the importance of the family and dedicate ourselves to helping Delta realize that offering a living wage with benefits that enhance life serves not only Delta’s family but America’s families; ultimately strengthening our company and our country. Let’s show our patriotism today by loving our country through strengthening each of our own families. It’s the American thing to do.
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