Richard Anderson used to be the CEO of Northwest Airlines. Seemingly everyone at that airline knows him and remembers his leadership traits and his attempts to undo decades of hard earned union pay and benefits. He is not liked by Northwest employees and his legacy is one of lies and attempted manipulation.
Although his tenure at Northwest ultimately lead to his unraveling and their bankruptcy, he somehow finds himself with new life and a renewed opportunity to destroy again, the lives of thousands of workers who were happy to see him go, some years ago.
We at Delta are just beginning to understand the depth of this man’s deceit and diabolical mind. He has no conscience or concern about our families or whether or not they have the bare necessities of life; his mission is to enrich himself and his family and he is succeeding at our expense. He also is good to his close friends and former colleagues at Northwest and understands payback and patronage. Take a look at all of Richard’s former Northwest buddies that have recently landed jobs at Delta.
The store is open and nobody is watching as the bosses loot the treasure. The pilots have been bought and paid for so they won’t mind while the new managers rummage though the cupboards and stuff their faces with our bounty. We are mainly non-union so there is virtually no watch-dog as Richard and his band of merry thieves romp though the forest of Delta Naïveté.
All they have to do is have their minions such as the Delta Board Council spout a few well-worn phrases about future industry standard pay and how we are their “greatest asset” and we can be manipulated into a government cheese line for an eventual handout.
We, as Delta ramp employees were all set to win a union vote in a combined carrier setting; the numbers were adding up quickly and our new Delta management team knew it. What was their answer? Influence peddling and corruption!
They can’t win fairly, so they somehow had a government agency (NMB) do something that had never been done in its history; change the rules to ensure that the union vote might never happen in the first place. Why would they do such a thing? Greed! It’s that plain and simple.
Something had to give. This company can’t afford to pay the pilots 18% more while fuel has virtually tripled in price. Someone has to pay for the added expenses and our new crooked management team has decided that a non-union workforce will be the pilfered victims. How else will Richard et al be able to send their grandkids to well-healed schools unless they make sure that our prodigy lives in cardboard shacks down by the river?
The recent National Mediation Board decision described on the previous blog stinks of possible corruption and influence peddling; it smacks of greased palms and dark-alley payoffs. Our new, outsider management team is vile and in need of a prison cell. Until they find their deserved accommodations, let’s redouble our efforts, in spite of the odds and get a super-majority of cards signed to ensure victory. It is the only way left for us.
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