Remember that old classic (and its sequel)? It was a story of aliens that came to Earth and placed ‘pods’ of undeveloped aliens around town. When the unsuspecting towns-people fell asleep, they died off and the alien pods took their features and went around town impersonating their duped Earthlings. They were slowly going to take over the whole planet.
Now think about this: Our Delta management has slowly been taken over by outsiders, mostly from Northwest Airlines. Heck, even the chief alien, Richard Anderson, comes from NWA. These are people who wanted to decimate the NWA workforce with reduced benefits, greater part time employees, seasonal and transient workers, and as much work outsourced as possible.
The thing that stopped them was the employees had a Union – and a vote in the process. The NWA employees bargained through the tough realities and preserved a ton more than these NWA execs wanted to take away. They got to use the power of their vote, and NWA had to recognize that.
Now, these same execs come to Delta. This is a place where they can do anything and everything they wanted to do at NWA, unfettered by those pesky Unions (and the vote of the employees.) We are seeing more and more Ready Reserve (seasonal and transient workers), more part time, and we already have had most of our work on the ramp taken away form us. We also have had our benefits reduced far below the Union standards at other airlines.
The only thing standing in the way of these alien managers from completing their dream of a Wal-Mart in the sky is us and our potential to become Union. If we choose not to fill out our IAM cards and vote when the time comes, Delta (led by Richard) will go after Passenger Service, the rest of our benefits, our remaining full time work, and our very dignity. Think about it…now go sign and send in your IAM Authorization Card.
Delta Dog
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