Finish Line In Sight
IAM Files For Union Election
Miles into the Boston Marathon runners reach the top of Heart Break Hill. Many participants drop out before they reach the top. But for those who have not, the finish line is now in sight. Five miles left to go. Time to marshal every bit of energy you have left to sprint to the end.
Today the IAM filed with the National Mediation Board for a union representation election. We have reached the top of Heart Break Hill. The finish line is in sight. It is time to sprint with every bit of energy we have. For Delta and Northwest workers alike it has been a marathon: months, even years of talking union to coworkers, collecting union authorization cards, participating in rallies, union open houses, unity parties, wearing buttons, t-shirts and stickers, distributing literature, refusing to believe Company propaganda. The effort of thousands of Northwest and Delta workers has put us in a strong position to win a union representation election at the new Delta.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. In the United States today a battle is raging over the question of whether common people like baggage handlers have the right to a career job with a secure retirement and good benefits. Must we accept a WalMartized, revolving door future? Are the Richard Andersons and Ed Bastians of the world the only ones who deserve a secure future? The Delta representation election is on the forefront of that battle.
Expect that everything will pick up speed. Expect that Delta will sharply intensify efforts to blunt the organizing campaign. Know what your rights as a union supporter are. You have the right to talk union and distribute union material in non work areas at non work times. This means break rooms and lunch rooms during breaks, lunch and before and after work are acceptable.
Respect other’s rights to opposing opinions. We want a civil discussion, one where everyone feels comfortable getting the information they need to make an informed decision. This has to go both ways.
If we stay strong and focused the WalMartizing of our jobs can be stopped. We have the power to do that.
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