Ready Reserve - Good For Who?
In a flyer publish by Delta Air Lines on December 9, 2009 the airline puts forth its arguments defending the Ready Reserve Program. Their arguments boil down to this:
The Ready Reserve Program works for some workers who are looking for some extra cash and flight benefits, therefore, it is a good program. According to Delta.
The Ready Reserve Program allows Delta to deal effectively with changing operational and seasonal demands and saves the airline money, therefore, it is a good program. According to Delta.
We have heard the same arguments made by Delta executives in MSP when $10/hour aircraft cleaners were fired and replaced with $7.25/hour workers. Delta needed 200 cleaners and 300 applied. It works for those employees, we were told. It certainly works for Delta.
Commuter airlines employ large numbers of part time, "flexible workers". Some of these are students, mothers and people with other jobs. The problem is this creates a revolving door, a throw away job. It negatively affects passenger service, safety and the worker in the long run.
Its What's Wrong In America
We believe the Ready Reserve Program (not Ready Reserve workers) is at the heart of what is ailing America. We believe this type of program is key to how Wall Street and major corporations are targeting the middle class or working class. Every worker in America has seen the dramatic spread of part time, temporary and seasonal work. Every worker. Every worker has either felt the effect or had a family member or friend feel its effect. We all know that a part time America doesn't work.
While part time and seasonal work may fit for some, the vast majority of part time, temporary or seasonal workers desire full time jobs with good pay and benefits. At most large companies today, you simply can not get hired as a full time permanent employee. That is certainly true at Delta where you must start off as a Ready Reserve on the ramp or at the counter. It is not some nice convenience. It is a condition of employment!
Ready Reserve Is Unjust
One of the most unjust aspects of the Ready Reserve Program is the inability of those workers to establish seniority. If you are Ready Reserve for a couple of years, you gain nothing in terms of vacation, sick, OJI or pension accruals. You gain nothing in terms of pay progression. Delta CLT, we have to ask you all personally if you think this is just or fair.
It is not that we don't understand the need for temporary workers in the airline industry. At least let the temporary worker build something for the future. There should be no difference between part time and full time, no difference between permanent and temporary except for hours worked. We can't allow Ready Reserves to be treated as second class citizens.
Another problem with Ready Reserve at Delta is the lack of guarantees. The number of hours worked, the pay, the percentage of the workforce that is Ready Reserve can all be changed at the Company's whim. There is only one solution to that problem - a union contract, with written guarantees.
Union workers, union supporters diverge sharply with Delta over the question of Ready Reserve. Our views of the future are very different. Delta believes in the WalMartization of our industry. We believe in a strong and vibrant working class.
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