Some corporate goals are so hard to reach sometimes that failure seems like an unavoidable outcome. At Delta, management teams are asked to plan what they want to accomplish; some are ‘guided’ to search and reach for lofty scenarios and they are encouraged to look at KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) to assist them in successfully obtaining their objectives at year’s end. Whether it is department goals or city goals; individual supervisors or managers are ‘directed’ to map out what they feel they should accomplish and then design a road map or plan to accomplish their end game.
It all sounds good but the “devil is always in the details!” What if the whole strategy is sabotaged to begin with? Could it be that the middle management hasn’t a clue as to what upper management’s goals really are? Perhaps the people at the top have no interest in the long term viability of the company and are just on property to extract personal wealth? It has happened before. It is happening now at many companies and it will continue to happen in the future.
Delta Air Lines has reached the bottom. We have sunk effortlessly all the way to the rocky base without much outside assistance. How could that happen?
It was easy; that was the plan. Delta top management has no interest in any of us. Just look at your wages, benefits and your health safety net. The real plan is to get rid of permanent employees; employees with past memory of the good old days. Just reading this blog will tell most casual observers that young employees are Delta management’s most loyal supporters. With very few exceptions, Delta die hard supporters are new.
They don’t know any better and they only have a view of America the ‘average.’ They are too young to remember the better days when corporations provided a quality service because of long serving and motivated employees who were adequately compensated with fair wages and benefits.
We have gone through two decades of declining prosperity and the young don’t have an imprinted memory of “America the Beautiful.” We older employees are remise in our duties when we don’t remind our younger employees what this country is capable of. We do not have to sit idly by while thieves and corporate raiders strip us of our strength and dignity. We can right this ship and indeed, it is our duty to do so.
Let’s force excellence on Delta by unionizing this carrier from top to bottom!
Delta management’s goal is to create a temporary workforce that renews itself approximately every 24 months. It should be obvious even to the most diehard Delta supporter that the Ready Reserve program is our future without a union and a contract. How many more long serving employees can we afford to lose who know the real truth?
Delta’s strategy is to elongate the voting process and blame the delays on the unions. Each time a 30 year employee leaves they take with them the truth and knowledge of what this airline was in the past and what it should be now and in the future.
We can no longer allow this to happen. It is incumbent on all of us to remind the new employees how important is the job that we do. Our passengers deserve better. We all know it. The Union way is the excellent way.
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