Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Smoke & Mirrors
How words are used to fool you

Below is a caption of the exact text from a Delta bulletin dated January 7, 2011:

“Let us be extremely clear. Delta is committed to completely aligning the package of pay, benefits and work rules for all Delta employees. We want all of our employees to enjoy the generally higher Delta standard. That is how we have transitioned every other workgroup, including most recently our office and clerical employees. However, we have said repeatedly that we will not “cherry-pick” pay and benefits items. You must look at the package in its entirety, which includes all elements of pay, benefits and work rules. To make one-off changes without being able to equalize the full package is just not fair to all employees."

Now let us be extremely clear. Delta’s idea of ‘completely’ aligning pay and benefits means they intend to eliminate pension, more vacation, more sick pay, OJI pay, better overtime and holiday pay, a real grievance process, and a voice with a vote in our futures. In return, Delta will modestly increase hourly rates of pay that simply do not equal the value of the take-aways. Importantly, the money is never guaranteed and is subject to decrease at the whim of management as Delta’s history has proven.

The history of being union is quite a different story. When we bargain we do cherry pick (that’s why Delta fights so hard against us employees having a voice). We are able to bargain what is important to us, not have it dictated to us. We are able to get the money AND the benefits. Need an example? Just look at the pilots. Think they would give away their benefits and subject their pay to the risk of no guarantee? Never.

Why should we?

We will have another chance to get the best of all worlds – higher pay and better benefits – all secured in a contract. When it comes time to vote for the IAM again just look past the smoke and mirrors and remember Delta’s own words.