Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, December 07, 2006


We at Delta are being inundated on an almost daily basis with information from a myriad of seemingly competing sources on what could happen to us given our current, weak financial situation. We wonder if we will be a stand alone carrier or be hostilely taken by another carrier or other interest group. Will our creditors go along with our desires, our outpouring of renewed collective pride or will the heavy burden of taking care of creditors’ needs supersede all other considerations?

While one certainly understands the motivations and indeed, the desires of those to which we owe money; one has to wonder about the motivations of those Delta individuals who parrot certain internal company interests. You know who they are. On occasion we receive, e-mails, visits and pep talks from these people, all trumpeting the coming “good times” our company is about to enjoy. I’m talking about the quasi “employee representatives” that were appointed by various Delta bosses: Board council members, forum reps, H.R. personnel and designated union busting supervisors.

Why does it seem that they don’t have any pertinent answers about daily difficulties we employees are suffering from, i.e. (lousy sick leave, poor medical coverage, pension implosion, etc.) but are filled to the brim with information about future coming successes? The answer is simple; their opinions are handed to them each day when they go to work. They are given talking points by their handlers, basically told what to say each day to you. They are nothing more then marionettes, whose strings are easily manipulated by the master puppeteers who masquerade as Board members and senior Delta managers.

I know personnel who have serious questions about benefits or insurance but can’t get straight answers, especially since all our benefits are in flux and diminishing. These “reps” who have no answers to real concerns, have become “experts” overnight in complex issues of unions, buyouts, mergers, etc.

One should not be fooled by these shills, hucksters, and gophers. They don’t represent you nor have any real time for you, they are representing themselves and the rich, selfish corporate interests for which they carry water.

If you want real representation then it’s time to sign an IAM union card today. These representatives have proven experience in negotiating for pensions without social security off-sets, sick time that actually covers more than a bad cold, and living wages that help pay for a stable, middle class lifestyle. By signing a union card today you can begin to receive the comfort, peace of mind and security that comes with a contract.