Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Atlanta Ignited
Union Interest Heats Up

All of Atlanta is talking about the Union. Every place we go, mornings or afternoons, gates or the bagroom, even the ‘ASA’ concourse, is showing interest and signing IAM authorization cards. This is looking GOOD!
IAM Reps, along with our Ramp Organizing Committee, have been at the World Lot handing out literature, meeting ramp employees at the bus stops and airport areas, and at the local B-52’s hangout. The response has been outstanding. The more people get to hear about the union, the more they want to be part of it.
And this is just the start of our re-energized campaign. This ball is just getting rolling.
But, we still need all the help we can get. We can only put this over the top if we all do our part. First, we all have to sign a union card – their secrecy is guaranteed. Delta never knows who signed and who didn’t. Next, we need volunteers to help out. When you see one of the Ramp Organizing Committee, or one of the IAM Reps, let them know you’ll help out. You can do what you’re comfortable with, from behind the scenes to right out front. In the Union, there’s a place for everybody.
It’s coming – better pay, better benefits, job security and a contract. The Union’s coming … can you feel it? Be part of it!