With the approval of the Delta and Northwest shareholders today, the proposed merger between the two airlines moves another step closer to reality.
Much publicity and fanfare has been made by the airlines as each “milestone” has been reached. They publicly drag us all through a timeline that may or may not come to pass. Yes, heroes of business they are…while an entire economy collapses around them.
But there is a dirty, dark, secret corner of activity they do not publicize. It has been reported that Delta Air Lines is assembling the largest anti-employee army ever built by a U.S. corporation. Delta is going to every seedy and darkly lit union busting law firm, consultant and hired-gun they can find across the country. All this effort is to fight its own employees and to try to squash our right to have a legal voice in the workplace.
It is the modern-day version of the company hired goon. And just like those days of the past, they will wear the uniforms, dark suits and the mask of authority. But, they will still be nothing but goons.
No, they don’t want to tell the public about this — not their employees either — or the politicians…but it is real.
And we will deal with it. We will face them down. Our resolve will only become stronger. We WILL have a voice and we WILL have a better future!
You see, as the ‘titans’ of the merger deal move closer to achieving their goals, so do we. As employees of what may become the largest airline in the world, we are solidifying. We will survive this and be better for it…by being members of the largest airline union in North America — the IAM!
It’s time for each and every one of us as Delta employees to unite our strength with the Northwest employees. We must become one massive force to be dealt with. Our futures depend on it.
Sign your IAM cards! Show ‘em who you (we) are!
Be brave! Be strong! WIN!
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