Management people in ATL must have noticed that the increased efforts by the IAM are paying dividends and getting more cards signed. The newly opened IAM office at the Atlanta airport has caused some consternation and worry in the boardroom and executive offices of Delta. The word has gone out and the minions that do Richard's bidding have been dispatched with talking points and pre-written messages designed to intimidate employees into no action; there is an attempt to instill fear and stop the union drive.
Many of us who have been involved for any length in this campaign are mildly amused by the efforts and in some areas, threats that are being mouthed by these mid-level managers and supervisors. They are nothing more than parrots perched on the shoulders of their bosses who mimic the words that are shoved unceremoniously into one of their extremities while they simultaneously regurgitate them out of the other.
In the past, this writer has described these poor souls as nothing more than shills and gophers who couldn’t conjure up an original thought on their best day; that have no leadership skills and are sent into most battles or debates intellectually unarmed and woefully overmatched.
However, their attempts to please management handlers have led them to cross the line of propriety and decency; many threats concerning job status have been made as of late and employees are beginning to have their right of speech and movement challenged at an increasing level. NMB rules regarding union organizing have been violated and higher ups in Delta Management have been purposefully vague in their admonishments to their supervisors in what they can and cannot do.
We are now encouraging all employees to report any suspected violations to the union organizers in your areas. We also would like all employees to be vigilant. In today’s world of instantaneous messaging and phone video; we don’t see anything wrong with employees surreptitiously (secretly) recording on video phones any of these impromptu anti-union meetings. We have video capability on our blog and will feature any meetings or potential NMB violations that are forwarded to us. We will in turn, forward the violations on to the National Mediation Board.
Who knows; if the rules infractions are entertaining enough, we might have a weekly ‘violator’ featured and pictured; all on the blogsite.
No one should have to put up with managers and supervisors who have power over the workforce unduly exercising that authority. Too many good people have already been lost because of unfair and injudicious application of made up rules and regulations.
This is a warning to all supervisors involved in the anti-union campaign; make yourselves aware of the laws and regulations governing such union campaigns. Don’t rely on your managers telling you the truth about what you can and cannot do. They will use you up and throw you under the bus faster than you know and have done so in the past. You are nothing more than cannon fodder to them and you will be sacrificed.
Also, we welcome any of you to come forward and sign a union card; it might be your best bet for continued employment and a sustained career in the future. As always, your anonymity and privacy will be honored.
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