Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day

A Time to Remember the Purpose of Our Struggles

As we pass the last Holiday of the summer, it is time to reflect on our working lives and to take stock of our worth. We are all individuals who have very similar cares and concerns.

We care about our families, our health, our pensions – and yes, the future of our jobs. It is for these reasons we band together to find a way to bring security and prosperity into our lives.

We are concerned that the future is at best very uncertain right now. We are threatened by Delta’s changing culture; by the change in management leadership to an outside group of people who are strange to us and come from questionable backgrounds; and, by the continuing march to devalue our pay and benefits or to outright eliminate us as employees.

To everyone reading this message, take the time to enjoy the Holiday and your family. If you must work, be safe.

But, above all, take the time to recharge yourself, to reenergize yourself and to rededicate yourself to our struggle to gain a voice and dignity on the job – to take this fight to become Union to the very end.

As we move to a different season, we enter the hard part of our fight. Frustrations will come and Delta will begin to flex its mighty anti-employee muscle. The mask of a friendly and benevolent master that our executives wear will begin to slip and the true face of the ugly management will show. The contest will be on.

This is the time we come together. This is the time we become strong. We will unite and we will act as one. Delta cannot defeat our determination to bring ourselves to a vote to join the IAM. Delta cannot stop us from having a voice in our future. In the end, Delta will have to recognize us, deal with us and treat us the way we deserve to be treated.

We will prevail!

Enjoy the Holiday that recognizes us, the laborers.

Happy Labor Day!