Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Monday, October 20, 2008



We can all remember as young adults going to junior high health classes and receiving information concerning inappropriate conduct that could result in very nasty consequences. Wow! Who knew that young people could carry such hideous and evil diseases at such an early stage in life? We were so appreciative of our health teachers and their early warnings about dangling our ‘participles’ in areas they did not belong.

Fast-track to today and our current situation where we Delta employees are contemplating joining a union to protect our future through organizing. Delta has already started sending their most non-essential supervisors to Atlanta for ‘training’ in anti-union, anti-employee warfare. They know that the younger and more impressionable supervisors will be easy marks for manipulation and ultimate sacrifice.

The last Delta/Union campaign saw many of these unsuspecting souls sacrificed at the altar of expediency after Delta won their campaign against its own employees and TWU.

You can’t blame Delta for using supervisors that are willing to lie and distort the truth. After all, many of these young guns don’t have formal educations and are unlikely to be promoted, so they feel they must do anything for personal advancement. They are cannon fodder and temporary props for the outsider Delta management’s financial gain. Why not pull the wool over their eyes and send them blindly into battle knowing full well that if violations occur during the process, they will be the ones fired and sent packing?

Rest assured, there will be more of the same ‘scared straight’ propaganda that Delta used on us ten years ago when we last tried to organize a union. It was fascinating and also retro-actively strange to be forced to sit down and watch poorly put together information being disseminated by adults who should have known better.

Imagine seeing a production that starts out sane enough and discusses the ‘evils’ of, oh let’s say, eating lead paint or playing with mercury. Everyone by now knows that these practices will lead to bad health consequences. Delta will use analogies similar to these to link all of us into talking about the consequences of joining a union. The room will be steered in a direction of seeing bad practices leading to ‘bad’ results.

They will have no shame and will blame all of the world’s economic evils and failures on unions…and probably wayward junior high school kids.

If you think we’re kidding or joking, just wait for the first of their anti-union productions to hit the show room. These guys will have no shame and will resort to any tactic available. They will out-shine Karl Rove and any dirty trick he ever attempted during his years of manipulating public opinion.

Most of us who have been through this carnival sideshow will not be fooled or swayed, but we fear that others will not understand the politics or the mastery of Delta’s manipulative practices. To our Northwest friends who are new to Delta propaganda; please refrain from laughing too loudly. This only enrages your hosts and compels them to start the films over again.

Sit through the propaganda and enjoy that you are not in a bin stacking hundreds of bags. When you are done with the mind bending extravaganza simply thank them for the break and ask kindly for popcorn during the next version of their ill fated efforts.

Power to the independent thinker! Power to the Union!