Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Friday, October 03, 2008


Delta is counting on us to be ignorant believers in whatever they say. It is no accident that Richard Anderson is leading Delta, that this merger was picked to be the one to proceed and that Northwest turned out to be the partner.

Our industry is run by a small group of men who move from airline to airline and they all belong to the ATA. The ATA is the club for airline CEO's where they talk about how to keep enriching themselves at the expense of their employees. Richard Anderson was the leader of the ATA when he worked at Northwest.

Now think about this. Richard Anderson leads his elite group of revolving airline execs in conversations of problems in the industry. From their point of view, what is the biggest problem? That's right, Unions! The only way we employees in the industry have been able to take our fair share from the airline industry revenue stream. They hate us for that because THEY want to decide where the money goes. And there is no guess where they want it to go...not to us.

Then the industry consolidation drum is beaten by every airline CEO including United, USAir, America West, Northwest and yes even Delta (we will only consider an alignment that is good for Delta). Of course then the obvious happens...Richard Anderson is hired as CEO of Delta.

Coincidence? Not on your life! He tries to fool us with his southern drawl and charm; he assures us that he wants Delta to follow a 'stand alone' plan; and all the while he is talking to his club-mate, fellow ATA member and confidant from Northwest, Doug Steenland. There is absolutely no coincidence here!

The good old boys club is desperate to change forever the structure of the industry we rely on to make an income, raise our families and retire from. They want to insure that our piece of the pie continues to shrink by continually lowering the 'industry standard'. And, there is only one thing that stands in their way...right again, the UNION!

They hand picked Delta to lead this plan, they hand picked Richard Anderson because he is from their club, and they hand picked Northwest because they believe we will be ignorant believers in whatever they say and reject the union idea.That's not going to happen! We will have one shot at saving our futures.

We must sign IAM cards, get an election and vote YES for the union. Together we can outweigh that small group of men who want to dictate our futures. They've made a plan. They've begun to execute that plan. They will spend everything they can to stop us. They will pull in political favors. The one thing they can't do is overcome our votes. That is our power and we must use it.

Delta Dog