Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Friday, November 07, 2008


It doesn’t matter to most of us what happens to our upper management team during this transition period between Delta and Northwest. We have been writing about and warning all Delta employees that the coup was taking place and that this airline we have grown up with had been usurped by outsiders and non-Delta employees, but nobody really cared after the successful fending off of USAirways.

Everyone thought that the worst was over and that Delta had survived. Guess what? We got conned! Northwest people, especially their old management team took us and we didn’t even notice. Wow! What a professional inside job. Look at the top tier of this airline now and begin to realize that the only thing Delta is the paint job.

We all deserve what happened. We, by and large, don’t really pay attention to anything other than our meager paychecks. We don’t stand up for ourselves and we have no control over our benefits or our healthcare. We lay down for any bad treatment and we accept all changes in our benefits. We deserve everything that happens to us.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Watch what happens to the mid-level management teams and how fast they are displaced. Most of us actually don’t care about them; they were never on our side and most only gave a hoot about themselves. However, it’s not going to be long before this outsider management team comes a knocking on our door to get rid of us.

Have you noticed that all we have anymore out front at the counter are Wal-Mart greeters whose value the company wants to be only as useful as the deficiencies in the kiosks? Good Lord, how ignorant are our above-winged employees not to see the end of their usefulness.

We want all Delta employees to start to realize the game that is being played at their expense, and ask them to come to a realization about their future without representation.

Let’s get busy understanding the limitations of our own job status existence without a union and competent people standing up for us. We deserve better and need to recognize the depth of hostility that our management team is wreaking upon us.

Can’t we all see the precarious situation we have placed ourselves in by trusting this new outsider management team to do the right thing? Wake up! They are taking millions of dollars of equity out of the meat of this airline and will have no hesitation or remorse in extracting the balance from us should the need arise. Most of the lucky new millionaires won’t be around when the bills come due.

We will!

Let’s protect ourselves with a contract — the same kind of contract that these rich fellows will leave Delta Air Lines with. Come on everyone; let’s don’t be stupid. Smell the aroma of what’s going on. We deserve better!