Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Monday, October 27, 2008



The trouble with giving public pronouncements is that people pay attention and some take notes. Richard Anderson was asked some very specific questions about complicated issues and he didn’t blink. He made bold and assertive statements about Delta’s intentions to make things right with Delta employees.

The problem with being assertive and aggressive with statements is that people listen and write down answers to tough questions. We in SLC were stunned by Mr. Anderson’s steely eyed answers and assertions. He did not hesitate with his ‘qualified’ assurances that he will make things right with Delta personnel. Being an outsider to Delta, he apparently doesn’t know that we’ve been promised to before.

We remember others who made ‘promises’ and assurances about our future and told us things we wanted to hear about our jobs. Vicki Escarra assured us IN WRITING that Delta would not contract out any more cities…and then it happened. Rich Cordell promised no more jobs would be lost…then Delta took more.

A SLC ramp employee asked Anderson what he was going to do about the disparity between Delta and Northwest employees regarding the social security off-set.

Anderson’s response? “Give us 12 to 18 months and we are looking at doing away with the off-set.”

We’ve heard promises before. This time we need the promise in writing. If Richard is a man of his word, then he should not hesitate to guarantee, written into a contract, what he so strongly says he will do.

We will hold him accountable for the brash statement, we will remind him of this promise he seems to be making. And, we’ll do that reminding at the bargaining table.

Richard, live up to your words and the World’s largest airline will be its best. Honor your employees with a contract they can be proud of.

Or, prove yourself to be just another in a long line of promise makers, promise breakers.