Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, November 20, 2008



It didn’t take long for Richard Anderson to show us what “looking at” doing away with Delta’s social security pension off-set really meant. They can’t do it! The DeltaNet reported this week that doing away with the off-set would cost Delta too much money. Money they need for themselves and their own retirement accounts! Apparently Richard doesn’t remember telling 500 SLC employees that he would give the issue serious consideration.

Have you heard that Delta’s pay scale for ramp and ticket counter agents is no longer the same? Apparently ramp employees with 5.5 years of service are worth just under $700 dollars more a month than ticket agents. Talk about a shocker for those agents who waited for years to go upstairs only to find out how badly they got reamed! I’m sure it’s just an oversight.

Or maybe….The real reason Delta is willing to fork over more to ramp agents is because they know how close we are to sealing the deal with the IAM. Word has it that the company doesn’t fear ticket, gate and reservation agents going union so why give them money? The ramp, however, is a different story. Is it a coincidence that average full time ramp seniority in Atlanta is much lower than most other Delta cities?

For those of you receiving this 38% pay raise while the rest of us got 3% partial pay restorations from our forced concessions of the past; I hope you know who to really thank. Yes, that’s right; the IAM and those who have been organizing on your behalf. Just remember this; the money will go away just as fast as it came if you fall for this maneuver and turn your backs on the union. It has happened before.

Have you seen the answer provided this week on the DeltaNet for the employee who asked about restoring a 5th week of vacation to those who don’t have it? Yep, you guessed it! Delta can’t do it. The excuse is that they need to get everyone’s pay up to industry standards first. Isn’t it interesting that Northwest, under the IAM contract provides not only 5 weeks of vacation but actually 6 weeks to those who have earned it. Aren’t contracts a wonderful thing!

Many Northwest employees have been asking about Delta’s sick leave and disability programs. They wonder about our short and long term disability and how the programs are funded and who pays the premiums. Please listen up closely. Virtually no one ever qualifies for long term disability at Delta. The statistics are staggering and are available through the United States Department of Labor. Don’t ask Delta for the facts; they will be stingy in providing them.

Speaking of being stingy. In some regions of Delta’s world virtually every OJI is challenged by ESIS. (Delta's lap dog for handling OJI claims) These people are wicked and take their marching orders directly from Delta. In some cities many injuries are considered pre-existing and challenged. Most medical operations are delayed or denied and employees suffer needlessly for months or years. Many have retained lawyers. You could have tire tracks across your chest from the catering truck that ran you over and these vermin would challenge the origin of your injury!

Get the facts before your believe any of Delta's programs or administrators. They are out to protect what they perceive to be their money and their company. You are just temporary workers that are a nuisance and in need of being jettisoned.