Ask any Delta employee what they fear most and they will tell you that termination without cause comes to mind quite frequently. Delta can end your career at any moment for any reason with or without cause. Sometimes they call you to the office without any evidence at all and put the ‘full-court’ press on you to squeeze information out of you.
They don’t have to have evidence or quality information; all they have to have is a will to mess with you. You don’t get representation or witnesses; as a matter of fact if you ask for these things, you are flatly denied both and told that if you persist in asking for representation, your situation will deteriorate.
Actually, they will tell you that asking for help or representation is a form of insubordination. You can’t even refer to your notes you might have compiled or talk to a friend for advice; answer their questions or be suspended. Subject yourselves to interrogation by ex-cops who Delta hires for intimidation purposes or be terminated.
You think you don’t need a union; think again!
There are many things that could be divulged and discussed; Corporate security is too busy messing with employees to investigate corruption at higher levels. They have smaller fish to fry!
But don’t worry, these 'bastions of decency' will stand up and destroy individual employees who care about our internal integrity; they feel safe and think that they have a Teflon cover protecting their acts of indecency. They are wrong!
Take one of us on take all of us on. My friends who are now joining us from Northwest; don’t be fooled by these criminals. They will attempt to destroy you even before they take your dignity and your jobs; they have no center of balance by which most God fearing Americans judge their own self worth.
They attack and demean without internal compasses of compassion or a measure of fairness. They have no inward beacon of sound judgment; they exist to destroy others.
They cannot breathe without sucking the oxygen out of the lungs of those they attempt to denigrate.
We have a choice at our new airline; we can rise above the internal destruction and build a place where employees enjoy each other and the calming satisfaction that comes from providing a pleasurable experience for our dedicated customers; or we can allow ourselves to be individually 'cut from the herd' and slaughtered.
I, Bruce Church, pledge my eternal vigilance to providing that quality service to our long suffering customers; they ultimately are our salvation in this economic uncertainty. They are our only way out of this economic malaise. Let’s take care of them by taking care of ourselves; let’s unionize.
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