E-Concourse just found out that Delta is cutting 120 AM & PM full-time lines. The full-time lines are being allocated to Domestic ramp. The 120 lines are being replaced by Ready Reserve employees.
At first glance it appears as if the Ready Reserves are regular Delta employees. However, when you consider their benefits, the appearance becomes the realization that Delta is contracting us out with “Delta” employees. Sound strange doesn’t it! The company, in essence, has made the Ready Reserve program a contract group such as DGS(Delta Global Service). DGS is owned by Delta Air Lines and is used to contract the ramp in many of our stations today.
After many years the pro-union ramp committee members have warned you about the potential threat of Delta contracting out all ramp stations in the system. Many have scoffed at this prediction. Now the reality is that it may becoming true but just through another door very quietly.
The company doesn’t want you to see DGS employees working right next to you because our warning will have come true. Delta doesn’t want to do anything that might make you vote yes for the union. So what they have done is hire Ready Reserves at a low pay rate. Just like DGS. The Ready Reserves don’t have any company benefits, such as insurance or retirement. Just like DGS. The Ready Reserves have a small benefit of flight passes. Just like DGS. I view this as contracting out the ramp! The only difference is that they have found a way to put Delta uniforms on a contract company to fool us.
What concourse is next? Are the regular Delta employees being corralled into a smaller and smaller group? If the Ready Reserve program gets bigger and the full-time and part-time employees get smaller, then what do you think is going to happen? A situation I hope we never have to confront.
We look at our fellow Ready Reserve employees with great respect. They work as hard as we do. They work the same flights, load the same freight, work in the same rain, sweat in the same heat. We see the Ready Reserves being used to work for little or no benefits. We see the Ready Reserve program being used to lower full-time and part-time staffing. The Ready Reserve employees have done nothing to cause this controversy. We are not being personal with them about this matter. But the Ready Reserves need to know what is going on with their program. They need benefits and better pay. They work as hard as we do and they should have what we have. We urge the Ready Reserve employees to vote “YES” for the union when we have our vote in the near future.
Update! Delta has upped the RR lines on the E-concourse now to 150 Lines
Troy Bacon
E-Concourse, C-Shift
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