Have you seen the latest survey by J.D. Power for airline satisfaction? We at Delta Air Lines are not in first place. We’re not second either. Actually we’re not third or fourth or even fifth. Not sixth or seventh, not even eighth. Nope, we’re last. For those of you keeping score, that’s just after everyone else. We suck!
Guess why? We don’t take care of our customers. Why not?
It’s our fault. We know better and we should be better. Our founder C.E. Woolman said that if you take care of your employees they will take care of the customer.
We don’t take care of our employees and we are suffering because of it. My Goodness! How embarrassing is it to torment those who fly on our planes. Delta has decided that they want an airline run on the cheap; that people will get use to poor treatment by revolving door employees who make little money and have no benefits or a future.
They are wrong. Our customers deserve better. We deserve better!
How long are we going to put up with who we have become? Can we not all see what has happened to us? We need to be ourselves again. We need to grab a hold of each other hard and say enough is enough. We are better than this.
Our future is not bright and we are funneling down a deep hole, slipping into an abyss of unknown depth. The people who have taken our airline don’t care about us or our customers; they care about money. Their money.
Do you want a job in ten years? The rate we are going, none of us will be employed. Delta will not survive without our assistance. Delta needs long term, dedicated employees who know how to take care of our customers; the same kind of employees who understand fairness, equitable pay and benefits. Delta needs us to stand up and fight the ignorance; we have to take back our airline. If not us, who?
We’re asking all of you; US to not allow this internal destruction to continue. We are asking you to save this airline through unionization. We should be professional again. Our customers deserve it and our employees will ultimately be rewarded through our dedication to renewed professionalism.
We have no greater calling than to deliver excellent customer service. We can do it. We have to do it. Those of us in the union fight know that victory is only attainable through service to others. We must provide a quality product. Winning is a mutually satisfying outcome. There are no losers when everyone comes out on top.
Sign the IAM ACARD now. Then vote union YES!
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