Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Saturday, January 03, 2009



Have you heard what’s going on in Delta’s world? Delta has arranged to ‘promote’ integration teams into the system to have meetings and help determine our future commingled seniority lists. Wow! How stupid are they?

Northwest employees have a voice and a contact. They don’t need an appointed body sent by Delta to ‘negotiate’ what their time on property really means. They have a contract that delineates their exact seniority. What about us?

Delta employees have seniority. That’s a given. However, Delta owns our seniority. We don’t. They decide what our years in service mean. What do we mean by that?

If you transfer to another department like in-flight, Delta considers you as a new hire with no seniority. They have done this to many employees. Isn’t it interesting that Delta determines what your years in service really mean? We know flight attendants that have transferred to the ramp that kept all of their years for bidding purposes but ramp people transferring to in-flight lose all seniority. Why?

Because Delta owns your seniority!

Delta makes the determination on what your seniority means. At Northwest all employees who are governed under an IAM contract know what their years in service really mean. They voted on it! They understand what happens to them when they change job titles. We don’t!

The FIT teams that have been dispatched by Delta into the belly of the beast that is Northwest have come back beaten and bloodied. Good! They have no authority to talk or negotiate with Northwest employees and the Northwest employees who make the mistake of talking to these appointed charlatans will be permanently banned and side-lined forever.

Northwest employees have a voice for now; the IAM. Don’t be fooled by the Delta integration teams. These people are temporary and will not prevail. They have no authority or power. They will fade away with the morning dew and fog that serves to hide the reality of the actual landscape.

The dawn is breaking and all Northwest/Delta employees in the newly combined airline will have a choice to either be represented by a union or not. This is the only decision that we need to focus on. The integration teams are a charade and a fallacy that will not last or succeed.

Ignore them! Wait for a new President and a newly appointed NMB. Our future is coming. Don’t be misled by phonies appointed by Delta. They will fade with the warming sun arising in the east. Have faith and know that everything will manifest itself this year.

Victory is at hand and your seniority will mean something very soon!