Isn’t it interesting that the Senate led primarily by southern sitting Senators killed the bailout for the big 3 automakers! What was their beef? They want the wages and benefits to go down to match those of the foreign auto producing employees of their own states.
It is no mistake that Honda, Nissan, Toyota, BMW and others have placed their factories in southern states that traditionally loathe unions and in doing so the states have given these companies millions if not billions of dollars of tax incentives because of it.
If the American automakers go out of business and liquidate we will have the Senators from the south to thank for American companies and jobs disappearing. Why would they do such a thing? This action by them will most assuredly help create more auto jobs for their region and will begin to dismantle the strength of the UAW. What happens to the pay and benefits of southern auto workers should the UAW not be around to negotiate wages and benefits? There will be no labor voice in the industry and no standards left to emulate.
Auto workers in the south are not hurting; they make nearly as much as the UAW represented workers and have a good life. Someone (UAW) set the standard for them and this standard only stays relatively high because of that. Don’t you suppose that if the Big 3 evaporate and the UAW ceases to set the bar high, won’t southern autoworker wages and salaries drop or even crash?
What a country! These same politicians didn’t have as much problem handing over 700 billion dollars to the fat cats of Wall Street. Not only did the cigar smoking, bourbon sipping, rich party goers of Manhattan get their money; no one bothered to set any real parameters to their bailout. Hey, they make the rules and we have suffered under them for nearly a decade while all of our wages stagnated and the CEO’s of this country got filthy rich.
There are two worlds.
The same is happening in our industry and we will all suffer much more than we already have if we allow these rich men to dismantle the industry standard safe guards the airline unions have provided over the years.
Do you really think that things would be better for all of us if there were no unions? Everything unions have provided historically is in jeopardy in our working environment. Corporations didn’t magnanimously give American workers anything without hard fought battles and negotiations.
Everything we have; pay, insurance, sick time, vacation, WCF, FMLA, safety rules, retirement, etc. was the product and the inspiration of unions. Corporations gave American workers nothing without pressure. Take away the pressure and watch the standards tumble.
Who will buy the products offered and produced by our companies if American workers have little in the way of salaries and benefits? We are headed for two distinct divisions in American society; the rich and everybody else; the poor!
Third World here we come unless we keep the standards high by voting in the IAM to represent us at Delta. The nation is interlinked. Those of you who don’t understand where your wages and benefits come from will soon find yourselves learning a hard history lesson if you ignore this union campaign. Join the fight and save your dwindling lifestyle.
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