Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Sunday, April 26, 2009



Much has been made about the recent e-bid shifts being offered in newly opened cities around Delta’s system. Many agents are talking like agents of old planning to check out new environs in far off places and contemplating selling the house and moving the family.

Don’t be in too big of a rush to make such a potentially life altering decision without knowing what you are getting in to. Many of these cities are places that Delta closed during our 7.5 reductions and these cities have opportunities mainly because Northwest currently has ramp staffing in them. Many of these cities are out west where the IAM was able, during difficult negotiations with Northwest, to save these spoke cities from the chopping block of reduction during Northwest’s bankruptcy.

Northwest dearly wanted to close these 37 smaller stations to ‘save money’ and the IAM helped prevent that outcome.

Northwest has a system-wide seniority list and they are intimately aware of exactly how many lines, both full and part-time exist in each of their 40 cities. When moving, everyone is aware of what does and does not exist and the exact ratios of full to part-time in each city.

Having an IAM contract that spells out these facts helps give employees peace of mind when they make life adjusting decisions.

We at Delta, on the other hand, have no such guarantees. We don’t own our own seniority; Delta decides what our seniority means and how ultimately we can use it. There is no system-wide roster and your seniority is only good in the city you domicile in. We know of many employees who have accepted moves in the past only to find when they got to their new city that things had changed and no full-time line was available.

How can this happen? There are no guarantees, no written contract and no kept promises. You get what you get and the ratios and roster numbers can be changed up or down in a moment’s notice. No kidding!

When you accept a shift you better ask tough questions about how many employees in that city are out on OJI or medical leave. When they come back your full-time status could be affected.

Now, how can we all make life a little more stable than what it is currently under Delta’s rules? Voting in the union will help ensure that these new cities that have been provided to us through the IAM’s past negotiation diligence and expertise stay open.

There is no other way to make sure that when you move, your job, peace of mind and families’ financial welfare will be looked after and protected; having a contract stabilizes the hard decisions that we all have to make from time to time. The IAM is here to be that stabilizing force in all of our lives. Sign a card and vote union yes!