Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, March 12, 2009


For months now Delta has lamented its inability to get the flight Attendants and Airport Customer Service agents to ask the NMB for quick elections. They want to hasten the two airlines’ ability to become one through the process of being declared a single carrier entity.

Much blame has been directed towards the AFA and the IAM for ‘foot dragging’. Accusations and insinuations have been dropped at the feet of those who are attempting to organize the two groups. ‘Money and time have been squandered’ is the oft repeated mantra, and Delta feigns that damage is being done to its bottom line because of it.

Even we want elections to take place as soon as is possible; we want all Delta employees to know that no one working the IAM cause opposes swift elections and we look forward to this election taking place as soon as possible.

To all employees (both supporters and those who are unsure about union representation) we say to all of you that the surest way to encourage and cause the process to hasten and ultimately be over is to sign a union authorization card as quickly as possible.

Many of you might not know how the process works. Signing a union authorization card does not necessarily mean that you are in the union; it simply means that you are for the democratic process, including having an election to go forward. The card helps authorize the election to take place.

Hopefully, we all want a fair and free election; one that is not tainted or tarnished. Those of you that are against or unsure of union representation can simply choose your option during the final process. Delta cannot hasten the election in any way other than to ask each of its employees to sign a card and for some reason they don’t seem to want to approach the process in this regard. Why not?

The IAM contracts with Northwest don’t expire until late 2010 and the union and their members keep their protection without an election until then; why should they be in a hurry to lose their contracts now if they don’t feel that they have had reasonable access to Delta employees?

You see, Delta wants quick elections; they just don’t want fair elections. Delta wants to make their case but they don’t want you to have open and unfettered access to Northwest employees who wish to share the benefits they enjoy under the IAM contract. They say that damage is being done to all of our bottom lines because of the slowness of the process; what they won’t reveal to all of us is that they are the ones impeding the very progress of the process.

Open up the break rooms and allow Northwest employees to come and visit Delta employees; let’s share knowledge and compare contracts to promises. Delta talks confidently about culture, history and vision. If they have nothing to hide then why not make the process transparent.

If you want an election soon, all you have to do is sign a card and let the chips fall where they may!