We are in this together. Our company, Delta Air Lines, has made a calculated decision that they can win by dividing us; by pitting each of us against each other. It will not work. Our ultimate strength is in our knowledge that none of us is more important than all of us.
Flight Attendants, cleaners, ramp and gate agents cannot separately succeed without each other and the essential contributions that we all provide. We are not mutually exclusive entities that can turn their backs on each other or, God forbid, turn our noses up against one another.
We are workers and we have the same goals. Don’t any of us lose sight of this eternal truth; God made us all equal, only rich men decided to differentiate between our real worth to the job we do for our customers.
There is value in every component at Delta. All of us should prosper and succeed; but we cannot accomplish this lofty goal without providing our passengers and customers a product worth buying. We cannot have a career that provides for our families and our aspirations except through the excellent follow-through of great and dedicated customer service.
We must pledge our undying dedication to our continued success in accomplishing this difficult goal and not let the manipulations of our management team dissuade us in this endeavor.
We all have a choice to make in life; we can decide to hope that no one will notice us as we hide behind those who take chances, or we can present ourselves to the front and say enough is enough. We all need to make a difference! It is time to provide sustenance and courage to those who chose not be involved.
We must make a determination to stand up to rich men and women that are not here for us or our customers. We must choose to stand for commerce and the American way. We must choose to provide a livelihood for those who can’t provide for themselves.
Delta management has taken millions over the last few months and put the bullion in their own pockets, all the while America has suffered. It is time to challenge them and fight back and it is time all decent Delta employees join that effort.
Will you? We hope you do. If you do, we will prevail as a dominant carrier and a force for good, sound economic policy in the future. Don’t let these people destroy your Family and your future. All you need is the spine to say UNION YES! It will work. Union now!
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