Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Wednesday, September 02, 2009



Any of us who have had the extreme discomfort of having ‘issues’ come up while employed at Delta know of the potential loneliness that can accompany all employees who seek help and answers from this management team and this current structure.

Many of you who have ‘crossed over’ now from Northwest might have had the displeasure of dealing with one or more of these outside ‘structures’ that were set up, designed and carefully crafted, not to aid employees, but to deny, delay and roadblock our most ‘valued asset,’ our workers, the help that we need when illness, injury or calamity occur.

The bottom line is that exactly; the bottom line. Every decision made concerning you or whatever your problem might be is ultimately designed to save Delta money by denying you help. What is sad about this obvious decision that was made a few years ago when essential components of this airline were split off and given to outside firms to manage is this; anything that damages individual employees, damages us as a whole.

If enough damage is done; we are done. Many of us see the accumulated damage piling up and the inevitable result of pulling off individual fingers to ‘save the hand.’ It doesn’t work and it never will.

Delta workers grew up in a different environment where insurance and help as well as quality advice were a given; every employee had the calming knowledge that a very effective employee ‘safety net’ was in place and functioning on all cylinders. This fed the machine of positive results and we were a fairly magnificent work force; NO MORE!

Delta will roadblock you if and when they can should it mean a savings to their bottom line; as an employee, you are no longer considered a quality asset, but a commodity that is expendable if they can figure a way to keep the ‘engine’ barely sputtering without you.

Delta has also road blocked any fair or equal voice of this process by stifling debate and will probably and eventually pay a heavy price for self-imploding, if they haven’t already.

Until Delta regains their sanity or brings in ‘enlightened’ management it is essential that we band together for protection and for the knowledge that what is in a contract is enforceable! Let’s have an open debate about the past destruction of our individual parts! How about that?

At the end of the day, we will all be here longer than any ‘blue-blooded’ aristocrat manager whose shelf life is less than two-day old bread. Why believe people who can hardly walk because of the additional weight they are carrying of our money stuffed in their pockets.

The vote is coming! The vote is coming! The vote is coming!