Most of us who have worked on the ramp have experienced some sort of accident or injury at work. An airline ramp can be a very dangerous place and virtually all of us have seen or had a workplace injury or accident. Who doesn’t know someone with a blown back or a torn rotator muscle in the shoulder? How many bad knees or carpal tunnel hands have you heard about?
Recently in the city I work at, a hard working, dedicated and extraordinarily competent young lady suffered an injury that was unfortunate, unique and unnecessary. She herniated her stomach muscle while lifting a bag on the ramp. What makes the injury unique? She was a few months pregnant at the time of the injury.
You might be wondering what a woman would be doing lifting heavy bags while pregnant. She was concerned herself about her situation and had approached management asking for light duty or non-strenuous work but was told that accommodating her would show favoritism and couldn’t be done. Never mind that the last group of women who had become pregnant was helped out with less demanding assignments.
Her choice, if she wanted to stay in Dept. 120, was to do the work she was assigned or go home on sick leave. Unfortunately, due to a previous pregnancy, she had no sick bank left. Going home would mean no pay.
Because of our lousy sick leave policy and pathetic self-funded UHC healthcare program, where the first $2500 of medical expenses would be shouldered by her and her family, going home on sick leave without pay was an option she could not choose. I would hope that the difficult decision forced upon her by a seemingly uncaring management team ways heavily upon them now. It was despicable, caddish behavior.
She is now on occupational health leave and will have an operation to repair her stomach muscle after she gives birth. At least now she will have some financial relief during her pregnancy through WCF but at a risk she should not have had to endure in the first place.
Working at Delta Air Lines, we have no protection, few rights and very little structural support. We are at the mercy and potential good will of our direct supervisors and H.R people. When situations arise, we look for help and understanding and don’t always find either. Yes, there are policies and guidelines, but without a contract, the Company is under no legal obligation to respond to our needs.
A contract is a document that has to be adhered to but a policy is nothing more than a favor that is either granted or not depending on the mood of ones supervisor or manager. It seems when you are liked, a policy becomes a guideline that can be massaged and shaped any way that suits the company. Guidelines become hard and rigid and are subject to stern, unbending interpretation when one falls out of favor.
At United Airlines where employees on the ramp have an IAM negotiated contract, the pregnancy issue under Article X section M, could have easily been handled;
“Employees who have given long and faithful service in the employ of the Company and who have become unable to handle their normal assignments, will be given preference for such other available work as they are able to handle within their classification at the rate of pay for the job to which they are assigned.”
What a concept! Such a simple, easily understood statement that requires no research or argument. The company and the employees have a legally binding agreement that has to be adhered to.
Wouldn’t you like a similar situation to occur at Delta Air Lines? It can be accomplished if we continue the struggle to unionize and through our successful vote, secure a legally binding contract that gives all of us dignity, respect and peace of mind in the workplace.
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