Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Thursday, September 13, 2007



Many of us have recently been made aware of modest improvements in a number of areas regarding our benefits. We will be moving toward account based healthcare plans which offer varied options depending on ones’ needs and careful review. Making the right choices could result in some savings. There is also a very slight reduction in the cost of prescription drugs, although not enough to cause any real celebration.

Our sick time will be increasing slightly to 7 PPT days a year, with the ability to accrue as much as 14 days if none are used in the initial year. Delta touts this as “much closer to industry standard” (they love that phrase!) The truth is that this is not close to industry standards. Most union carriers allow 12 days a year with the ability to accrue up to 110 days or 880 hours.

Also there are slight declines in premium costs for short-term disability (STD), optional life and group accident insurance.

We welcome any relief and know that these improvements are a direct result of our efforts to organize and unionize. Delta has to be feeling the pressure of multiple organizational efforts coming at them. We thank all those who have sacrificed so much of their time and tireless efforts to bring these changes about.

These modest enhancements have come about while we have been attempting to get to an election. Imagine what we can gain when we actually win this union effort. Delta is giving back only what they think they have to in order to quiet down our campaign. They have miscalculated. This has only re-energized our resolve and we are more determined than ever to prevail.

It’s not an accident that enhancements in money, work environment and benefits happen during union activity. This is not a coincidence. We received nothing but cuts and reductions when union efforts went dark from 2000 through 2006. The company found their soul and compassion only after we invited IAM to start up a new campaign late last year.

Let’s rejoice in these small victories and push harder towards the ultimate goal of obtaining a vote and a binding contract that brings to us stability, strength and peace of mind.