Delta Ramp Workers Organizing Committee

Tuesday, May 05, 2009



Those of us who have involved ourselves in union campaigns of the past know that politics play an important if not essential role in the outcome of each and every one of these spirited campaigns.

Elections have consequences and winners are rewarded while losers reform to regroup and battle again during the next election cycle. The National Mediation Board (NMB) which oversees union campaigns in various work environments is a ‘political entity’ that is comprised of 3 individuals made up of a majority of the party in power. This is done on purpose because elections are meant to reflect the ‘will of the people’.

The people have spoken and a more labor friendly government has taken control of the country.

What does this mean to all of us involved in the efforts to either unionize or thwart the effort at Delta? There’s about to be a ‘new sheriff’ in town who is going to be more sympathetic to workers and their grievances.

During the flight attendants failed effort to unionize Delta Air Lines, the board was way more business friendly and chose not to take up any complaints, legitimate or otherwise that came before them. This will not be the case this time around. All 114 submitted violations last year were ignored by the board.

We who work the ramp and cargo have been saving the violations that we have witnessed recently and will submit them when the new NMB board takes office after being ratified by the Senate.

We want all management at Delta and especially the Supervisors who have been sent to Delta ‘boot camp’ about what is and is not legal in a union drive to know that we are watching you and yes, in some cases recording and video taping you when you hold anti-union meetings. We know that you consider recordings to be against Delta policy. We don’t care because you will never know which one of us surreptitiously recorded you.

Our complaints will be well documented and have teeth. You might want to ask a union organizer what is and is not legal. We happen to know that Delta has not told you the complete truth because, after all, throwing one or all of you ‘under the bus’ doesn’t take any skin off of their noses. You are simply cannon fodder to be used and sacrificed.

Delta will simply shrug their shoulders and tell the NMB the violation was done by a rogue supervisor who has now been replaced. It has happened in the past!

The biggest violation is coercion and the second biggest is removal of union information from break room tables and facilities. We have many of you dead to rights already; don’t think that Delta will back you should the government tap you on the shoulder and show you the evidence against you.

Telling people that they could lose benefits and pay if they sign a union card or vote union is an act of coercion. Don’t be caught doing it. It is a VIOLATION OF THE LAW! We will record you doing it and we will ask that you be stepped down from your positions in management or worse.

Delta has posters plastered all over their walls saying that they; “respect its employees’ right to decide”. They further state that, “we will always stick to the facts”.

Destroying union material doesn’t respect your right to decide, it tramples on your ability to compare and judge which is best for you; it’s like getting up in the dark of night during a heated local election and removing your neighbor’s political lawn signs that disagree with you and your candidate. They are being childish and acting afraid. If we catch you being ‘ un-American’, we will go after you legally, count on it!