A few weeks ago a group of Delta employees had just been picked up at their hotel and were off to the Velvet Rope Tour presentation. I believe the plan was to first stop and have breakfast and then continue on to the festivities. Unfortunately, after the bus driver received a phone call, the bus was diverted, without asking anyone’s permission, or even opinion, and they were all taken to a “Keep Delta My Delta” rally.
There’s nothing wrong with a good rally provided you are there on your own accord expressing a shared opinion, but to be hijacked without input smacks of the kind of arrogance that only comes from years of unchecked, unbridled power.
Not even third world despots have to stoop to stage their own protests anymore. Almost anybody with a cause needs only to advertise and people will gather. What does it say about the ethical and moral compass of this management team that would sink to this level to garner support for their position?
Not only have we gone bankrupt financially but our management team seems to be intellectually bankrupt. Many of us involved in this union campaign have decided to take no position concerning the U.S. Airways hostile takeover attempt. Why waste money and effort over matters that we cannot control?
We would rather use our time constructively by continuing to organize through IAM, get an election declared, win it and protect ourselves with a contract. Those of you who choose to spend your time wearing buttons and bracelets, parroting company slogans and writing letters to people who have no say in the final outcome, will only have yourselves to blame when you’re sitting on the bottom of two seniority lists.
Why take the chance? Why trust a management team who promises to protect you when you can protect yourselves by putting IAM to work for your future needs?: Pensions, pay raises, benefit increases, fair sick leave, and seniority rights.
What do you think it means when Mr. Grinstein talks about “building-an airline preferred by customers…best-in-class cost structure and reduced debt”? It means that the goal is to spend less than any other airline on employee expenditures, (salaries, and benefits).
As long as we choose to have no representation, Delta will continue to squeeze us like a lemon. Why shouldn’t they? We have been docile and compliant for so long. I shudder to think what they’ll do to our pay and benefits should this union campaign fail.
Why let it come to that? Let’s take off the blinders, realize our situation and take positive steps to solidify our future. Sign an IAM union card today and begin to take the worry out of your work-a-day lives.
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